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We love the "balancing" plot, and "Stasis" is a wonderful impromptu piece in which you can impossibly balance almost anything right under the spectator's nose. We produced "Balance" by Joshua Jay, and this makes a lovely companion piece that you can do beforehand. It also works extremely well in close-up conditions, when "Balance" wouldn't be a good fit.
In effect, you can balance a dollar bill on a credit card, and a deck of cards on top of the bill! Balance your phone on the tip of your finger. You can modify most pocket objects so that "Stasis" can be performed with seemingly anything you find on your person.
Included in "Stasis" are two precision-made gimmicks that allow you to perform this anytime, anywhere, and with almost anything. Balance borrowed bills, bottles, pens, wallets, and even more!.
With the detailed video instructions, you'll be able to perform "Stasis" right out of the box.
So much fun and different. I'm really enjoying this. They teach you how to make the gimmick so it's yours for life. No purchasing refills or new gimmicks so well worth the price!
This is very fun to play with, I'm testing out different objects to balance and it's a fun gimmick to unleash your creativity with.You can watch my full in-depth review here: this helps you out!
I thought I would like this more than I did. I found getting into it awkward and it didn't really seem to have the impact that I expected it would. It's smart thinking and fun to play with but I don't think many people are putting these in routines. Also the price is little higher for what it is. 40 bucks sure. But for 55 plus tax and shipping, I don't know. Don't get me wrong it's constructed well, just not the best value for me.
Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.
Benjamin asks: Alright, I already own Balance and as said in the description this compliments the that trick beautifully. That said, is it it's method anything like it and if not, would there be any added benefit to owning multiple Stasis to create even crazier effects?
Mathieu asks: Hi, Is there any light restriction ? It seems there is.
Mathieu asks: Can the spectator look underneath the horizontal object ?
Jim asks: How long will the gimmicks last? Will 'replacements' be available for separate purchase?
Phil asks: Not a question but a comment. Ok, you hit me. This looks pretty damn good!
Michael asks: Are there any angle restrictions on this?
David asks: Since 2 gimmicks are provided, can you have the objects zig zag back and forth, or do they have to be stacked on top of each other after (of course) the 1st card that is placed. Thx
Jonathan asks: My main question. Does the horizontal object need to be a playing card? Could it be a credit card or ID card? Something i could potentially carry with me in my wallet? And does the gimmick need to be carried separately. Can it be stored in my wallet too without fear of it breaking? Thanks
irsan asks: What kind of videos instructions we got?is vemeo?
Bryan asks: Does it have to be a dollar bill or can it be any currency used?
gene asks: Can objects be handed out for examination
Paul asks: or can we go heavier as we stack up or we have to keep it lighter. For example which scenario is safer as we stack up (1) or (2)? (1) Credit Card/Playing Card/Dollar Bill or (2) Credit Card/Playing Card/Glass of Wine? Thank you. Paul
Adam asks: Can the spectator look below under let’s say a card that happens to be balancing? Any hard or awkward angles need to worry about?
Randy asks: In promo Jambor say no hookups, magnets,thread...but product description says comes with magnets and thread....are you able to explain promo description vs product description?
Ryan asks: Can the two supplied gimmicks be used together in performance? To possibly create an even more impossible balance effect?
Jose Manuel asks: May I use my own credit card, and it´ll still works as a credit card or its advisable to use an old credit card in order to make the gimmick?
Keith asks: Hi. Does this ship from within the U.K.?
Gary asks: What sort of items can you use to balance and how high could you build?
Javier asks: I have been trying to contact VanishingInc for a whole week (which is, according to my knowledge, more than 6 hours as you claim). My order was dispatched with an incomplete address and it will probably not reach me. First I tried to modify the shipping address online (clicking the tab “Change your shipping address”). The link didn’t work. I wrote five mails during the week, and got no answer from Vanishing Inc. Please give me a solution or, at least, an answer.
Gary asks: How easy is it to make your own?
Paul asks: Is there any reason why the magnet has not been blackened with say, a permanent black ink marker? I ask this because of the position it occupies on the playing card at the commencement of a routine.
A asks: Can this be performed right out if the box
Star asks: Does this require pockets or a jacket? Thank you:-)
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