Switch Board

Trick by IDEAA Lab
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Switch Board

295.00 usd

Trick by IDEAA Lab (295.00)

In stock - very few available.
Switch Board - magic
Switch Board Switch Board Switch Board Switch Board Switch Board

An upgraded version of a classic that uses a perfect blend of magic and technology to create a powerful experience.

Reinventing a Classic

Magicians may instantly recognize the core idea behind "Switch Board". It's a classic of magic that has been performed for years, yet not without its shortcomings. Most versions lacked a true magical punch and were often perceived as novelties or puzzles by audiences.

Additionally, the classic "magic switch box" or "magic switch board" effects would only allow you to perform one simple routine. You'd introduce the board and show that the wires were visible and it was very clear which switch connected to which bulb.

The bulbs were then switched. Even though the electrical connections seemingly did not match, the switch was still able to turn on its corresponding color. Other small variations came out over the years, but they mostly followed the same idea and were often long-winded and couldn't be repeated.

Overall though, the biggest problem was that audiences always felt there were hidden components that controlled the operation. As such, these routines often didn't feel as magical as they could, especially for modern audiences.

"Switch Board" from IDEAA Lab was specially-developed to reduce the electronics to the point of being basically invisible and create a moment of truly powerful close up magic and mentalism.

"Switch Board" Key Details & Improvements

  • A powerful and magical conclusion that will leave the audience stunned
  • The electronic circuit is more compact than ever (just 1.6mm thick) and has four switches, bulb holders and a battery holder–there is no room to hide anything else!
  • Comes with two easy to do pre-recorded routines (one basic, one intermediate) so you can start using your "Switch Board" immediately
  • The circuit can hold up to five different routines that can be used at any time, meaning you can instantly repeat the effect with a different outcome
  • Seven different types of effects can be used in the routines
  • Open source programming offers enhanced customization
  • Completely examinable
  • Bright LED lights can be easily seen from a distance and will last for countless performances

Easily Create Your Own Routines

To help build your routines, there are seven different possible effects that can be performed with "Switch Board". They differ from each other both in style, strength and complexity, allowing you to easily mix and match. The circuit can hold up to five routines which can be switched between instantly right in front of the same audience—further burying the method.

While the program that controls the "Switch Board" is open source for extra customization, you don't need to be a computer whiz to program your "Switch Board". Creating a routine is a simple as flipping a few switches, and everything is explained in the tutorial video.

Regarding the open source aspect: It's important to note that you don't need to do any complicated programming to use "Switch Board". It comes ready to use. But IDEAA Lab believes open source code is essential to the future development and improvement of "Switch Board". That is why the code is available for those familiar with coding. It must be said that it is not a particularly easy code, but has been programmed in the Arduino environment with many comments so that it is understandable by an average programmer.

Powerful Ending

Regardless of the presentation you choose, you'll always be able to finish the routine with a powerful closer that will win over any last remaining skeptics.

The spectator themselves can make all of the choices. Whether it's changing a color, mixing a bulb, or choosing a position, they will make all the choices freely. It's super fair and transparent.

They can examine the "Switch Board" until they get bored. It will only work when you want it too. With a little audience management, you can even let them freely reposition the bulbs or switch the switches themselves. Otherwise, you can do it all in your hands and let them check at each step to make sure everything is fair.

Independently Tested & Approved

"Switch Board" was tested and approved by nine different independent beta testers from five different countries with experience in a variety of fields from engineers to teachers, manufacturers and, of course, magicians (both professional magicians and amateur magicians). Each tester spent a month with the product and gave invaluable feedback that helped evolve "Switch Board" into the best possible prop.

What You Get

  • Electronic circuit
  • 10 LED bulbs: two red, two yellow, two green, two blue and two white
  • Four prediction bulbs
  • 18 colored caps:
  • Two red, two yellow, two green and two blue (silicon)
  • Two red, two yellow, two green, two blue and two white (rubber)
  • Two rechargeable button cell batteries
  • Charger for rechargeable button cell batteries
  • Black velvet carry bag
  • Metal transport box with foam interior
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Spare parts
  • Product registration card
  • Access to online instructions

Online instructions consist of videos and text (in Spanish and English) that cover all aspects of the product and feature several presentation ideas.

Warranty Information

IDEAA Lab offers dedicated service for any problems you may experience and a warranty for manufacturing defects. They also manage all necessary repairs. But, ask that you please watch the entire instruction video before contacting them and register your product once its been received. If you have any issues with making an order or having that order ship to you, you may contact Vanishing Inc. For all other questions about "Switch Board" or its warranty, please contact IDEAA Lab directly.

Vanishing Inc. does not handle the warranty.


Customer reviews for Switch Board



Firstly, I want to recognize Vanishing, Inc. for both creating/producing great effects and for also supplying great products in general to the magic community. Their customer service kept me informed of the order status throughout the entire process as my package basically teleported across the country (Seriously ordered on Thursday afternoon and it arrived Saturday, California to East Tennessee, just wow!).
Now to Switch Board: OMG! This thing flips all the switches for me (pun intended). I’m an electrician / electronics geek and lifelong magician so this looks like something I’d have on my desk anyway and was a must have. I was already familiar with the old “analog” versions of Switch Board but this one provides for exponentially greater variations and spectator interaction / choices while being much more compact and modern. The quality of this product is exceptional. The packaging is exquisite, very secure and provides space for the extra components that are included with the Switch Board. The instructions are very comprehensive but include both written instructions as well as video tutorials. Speaking of customer service, once registering Switch Board, I have received at least three updates from them with additional information and ideas as well as inviting to me connect directly, one-on-one to address any issues or concerns. Absolutely incredible customer service!! So far, the Switch Board has operated flawlessly, as expected and has been very intuitive as far as learning its secret and method of operation. I’ve not even scratched the surface when it comes to working with the source code however it is provided Open Source and can be manipulated if so desired. Overall, I’m very happy with this purchase and would highly recommend Switch Board to anyone looking for a packs small, plays big routine that will confound even the most tech-savvy spectators. This can be performed even in their own hands and still cannot be explained. The routines can be as simple or complex as you choose as it is highly customizable. This allows for repeat performances and totally different performances depending on the routines you create. Highly recommended!!



It may look simple but that's on purpose. This is a very well made product. It comes with all the bits and pieces you need. Extras/backups can be purchased from the Switch Board website. This website takes you through all the learning steps and information behind the product. It will likely take some familiarity and practice to remember what is required for a performance. The more familiar you get, the more options you can introduce. These can be used to confuse viewers in a fun way. Highly recommended!



Martin Andersen’s Switch Biard is a great product! I know a lot of you are going to say that it’s “just electronics”, but the simplicity of the board and the fact it is so thin has people perplexed as to how it actually does what it does. It does take a bit of a learning curve - but what good trick doesn’t? Martin Anderson who is the inventor and producer of this great version of Switch Board sent me an email to have a short zoom meeting with him in case I had any problems. I did (as I said, it does have a bit of a learning curve) and took him up on the offer. Although I was able to do the first routine right away, which is great by itself, I wanted to add on another (there are 7 effects and you can programme in many more) that I was having trouble with. In a couple of minutes he had it all cleared up and now I am on the way to learning much more about it.
A great little item that you are going to have a lot of fun with totally confusing your audience. Highly recommended!!



Very confusing video instructions. Perhaps some of the issue is the Spanish to English translation, but I think the real issue is that the person demonstrating the options for the board did not prepare and rehearse a script, but instead just talked off the cuff, sometimes backtracking sometimes jumping ahead, always making assumptions that prior instructions were clear (which they rarely were) and skipping necessary steps in setting up each routine. The board may be bomb proof. I don't know. I bought this two years ago and each time I bring it out to learn how to use it, I end up putting it away in frustration. I have no idea how good this is because I haven't been able to learn how to use it.


Community questions about Switch Board

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Alan asks: What does it do? What is magic about it?

    • 1. Sebastien answers: I got SwitchBoard for more than 1 year now... - You first show a simple electronic circuit, in which each color switch is commanding the color bulb in front of him - Then, according to spectator choice, you can change the position of the bulbs, or the position of the color caps on the switches... and the board is still working: blue switch is still lightning the blue bulb, even if they're no more in front of each other - And you go further and further: you leave a switch with no cap - it cannot light no bulb, unless you exchange some of the color bulbs with white bulbs... Will you place two caps on the same switch - this switch will now turn on the two bulbs of the correponding colors Imagine the yellow bulb on, you can remove the yellow cap and see the yellow bulb fade out live... So, you are demonstrating to your audience, that the electrical connections between the switches and the bulbs are controlled by the positions of color plastic caps, that makes no sense!
    • 2. David answers: Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWMr1kGSZnc
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  • Ged asks: The video tells us nothing. On the face of it, you identify which one of four lights someone has chosen. Is that it? My question is, how do you not have anyone under 80 not say, after one glance , "Electronics"?

    • 1. Sebastien answers: After a glance, and after a thorough examination, no "electronics" can be found... only simple electrical connections on a circuit board. And you go on and on with a succession of effects, and you let the spectator at the end with a completly normal circuit board to examine. The reactions are amazing. You can perform it for kids since 9, adults, even scientifics: they don't believe that's magic, of course, but they say "it' impossible"... Not so bad, uh?
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  • Nathan asks: Echoing the questions above: what actually is this? I'm not familiar with the original effect and therefore don't "instantly recognise" this. The trailer suggests that if you remove the coloured cap from the switch then the light won't turn on, whereas if you move the coloured cap to another switch (stacking the caps) then both of those colours turn on. That's cool, and would make for a nice bit of electronics, but it's unclear what else (if anything) this does. Could I kindly ask that the description gets updated to describe what some of the effects are?

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    • David asks: Is the acrylic case available?

      • 1. Jim answers: Not at the moment.
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