Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness

Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness

Book by Arturo de Ascanio
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Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness

50.00 usd

Book by Arturo de Ascanio (50.00)

In stock.

Arturo de Ascanio y Navaz (1926-1997), is regarded as the father of Spanish card magic. A lawyer by trade and an amateur magician, he devoted a good part of his life to magic and was one of the founders of the prestigious Escuela Mágica de Madrid.

The Structural Conception of Magic, which is the first volume of The Magic of Ascanio, is devoted to his theoretical thinking. Studies of Card Magic and More Studies of Card Magic include all of his card creations, while the fourth volume Knives and Color-Blindness is a treatise on magic with pocket knives.

Fourth Volume
Knives and Color-Blindness is not just a repertoire of sleights and routines. Above all, it encapsulates an extraordinary philosophy of magic, in which the love for detail, for naturalness and psychology alike, are given as much importance as technical skill. Ascanio's remarkable in-depth study of the psychological aspects of the "Paddle Move" and the "color change" with knives is a fundamental contribution to the magic of the color-changing knives. Arturo de Ascanio shows two specific qualities that very seldom go together: he is an extremely clear writer and also an excellent performer of sleight-of-hand. You will no doubt find that Ascanio is very good at writing about what he knows, and knows very well what he is writing about.

132 pages - Hardbound with Dust jacket


Customer reviews for Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness



This is an excellent introduction to the color changing knives with a selection of routines by true masters. A good number of these routines use extremely specific set-ups as far as knife colors & combinations (more than a basic set of knives), but the moves and the general layout of the routines are excellent for expanding what you think is possible. If you're looking for some fancier moves with fewer knives, I recommend Pop Hayden's pamphlet on his routine- but this is a comprehensive study in the knives on its own merits. My advice: if you're interested in the knives, buy a cheap set, buy this book, then buy a better set of knives once you find what works for you.



I have been holding off buying this as I have the other 3 books in this series but have been playing with the chroma tcc set and was keen to complete the book set. It's a very good book and covers some interesting ideas brining some of the knives into play. The book is well priced and produced and I certainly don't regret this purchase. I would recommend this for anyone serious about color changing knive routines.


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  • Lance asks: Is this a hardbound copy of World of Knives, or is there more information in this book?

    • 1. Jim answers: It is hardbound with a dust jacket, 132 pages. It is an updated and freshly translated version of the World of Knives.
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