Tower of Dice - Tenyo Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Tower of Dice

Trick by Tenyo Magic
30.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Tower of Dice

30.00 usd

Trick by Tenyo Magic (30.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

This visual trick is as visual as it is baffling! 

Cover the dice with a small tube, yet when you lift off the tube, the number of dice grows and grows until you have double the number you started with.
A surprising gimmick that is built into the tube makes this startling effect possible.
At the end of the performance, you can hand out the tube and the dice for thorough examination.

Remove four dice from inside the tube.
Cover the stack of dice with the tube. When you lift off the tube, the number of dice grows and grows...
Until eight dice appear, magically stacked in a tall tower!
You can hand out the tube and dice to your audience at the end.

English instructions included.


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