Vanishing Pen - SansMinds - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Vanishing Pen

Trick by SansMinds
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Vanishing Pen

29.99 usd

Trick by SansMinds (29.99)

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Some tricks don't need long explanations and they are normally the best. "Vanishing Pen" is exactly what the title suggests ... you vanish a pen WHILE THE SPECTATOR HOLDS IT.

Doing magic with pens has built-in appeal, since everyone carries them, you can borrow them anywhere, and they are uniformly recognized. How AMAZING it is, then, when you can take a pen and wrap it in a napkin. The spectator holds the napkin with the pen VISIBLY dangling beneath. You clap your hands together and...instantly...the pen disappears. This is a practical, astounding illusion with the simplest of objects.

The trailer shows an accurate performance. It looks great! You get the gimmick and DVD instructions.


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