Vision Cube ESP Symbols Second Sight Cube - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Vision Cube ESP Symbols Second Sight Cube

Trick by Hand Crafted Miracles
95.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Vision Cube ESP Symbols Second Sight Cube

95.00 usd

Trick by Hand Crafted Miracles (95.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Classics of magic become so for a reason. The Color Vision Cube is one such classic because of its simplicity itself, allowing the magician to focus their full attention on delivering the best possible performance.

The award-winning artists at Handcrafted Miracles have re-imagined this timeless effect with their amazing line of Vision Cubes, which are certain to become instant collector's items.

In the Second Sight Version version, the cube is made of beautifully rich dark mahogany. It is laser carved leaving ESP symbols in relief on the cubes sides, which are hand gilded in 14-carat gold leaf. The box is made of richly stained birch laminate that is also laser carved and gilded. The pieces are finished with multiple coats of tough, clear, acrylic lacquer resulting in a cherished work of art that will endure for generations.

The classic effect is to ask a volunteer to choose a symbol and put it face up in the box while you turn away. The volunteer does as instructed, puts the lid on the box and places it in your hand behind your back. You immediately turn around and instantly know the volunteer's choice. There are no electronics to fail or complicated sleights to learn, just reliable and practical magic.

Do not miss your opportunity to own this "first edition" release of magical art, as supplies are Limited.


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