Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic)

Gimmicked coin by Tango Magic
32.00 In stock.
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Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic)

32.00 usd

Gimmicked coin by Tango Magic (32.00)

In stock.
Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic) - magic
Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic) Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic)

Customer reviews for Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic)



The "Scotch and Soda" is a classic and popular coin trick that uses a gimmicked coin. It is a perfect trick for both beginners and experienced magicians. The trick involves showing two coins and making them magically change places with each other. The gimmick is well-made and the trick is easy to perform with a bit of practice. The instructions are clear and concise, making it easy to learn and master the trick.



It works flawlessly. By adding a deck of cards with a magnetic card on top, I can reset the coins by having the centavo appear out of the deck of cards.



This is a gimmick to always keep in your pocket. Easy to do and great impact with the audience.



I've owned the Scotch and Soda coin set three times, counting this latest purchase. The first one was in the 80's, purchased at Zeezo's Magic Castle in Colorado. That one, built hard, like an old Chevy, was ruined (I'll just leave it at that). The next one in line, my second most current, is MIA (maybe it'll turn up...?) I've never owned or used a magnetic rig, so I figured I'd give it a go. The product is very well made for its function, and I can't even begin to list the great effects one can perform with this version of Scotch and Soda. They're COOL!!!No b***-r*** is required to separate the shell from the half-and-half, and with some basic palming techniques and a little misdirection, the separation (which is nearly silent) can be done directly under a spectator's nose.The only minor complaint I have is the "chatter" between the shell and the half-and-half when tossing it to the close-up mat, or dumping it from a glass after doing a penetration. I probably wouldn't hand it out for inspection (I WOULD switch it for a real one, though, and let them have at it, lol) Definitely good for stand-up/street magic!Definitely worth trying! I like it, but I'm still getting the standard, non-magnetic version, as it is utterly silent. I should also mention, there are numerous effects you can perform with this magnetic version, that can't be done the same way, or at all as with the standard Scotch and Soda, and vice versa.


Community questions about Scotch and Soda - Half Dollar/Mexican Centavo (Magnetic)

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Donald asks: I purchased this product and I have no problems with performing with it, but I just bought another one for my 19 year old grandson. he is excellent in cardistry but has had little experience in coins. I have shown him basic coin sleights and routines but right now he is working full time and going to college at the same time. Do you have any videos showing this product with directions after the presentation?

    • 1. Donald answers: I meant that there is no link listed in the product instructions.
    • 2. Jim answers: If you look in your account ( ) you'll find a link an password to Tangopedia. That has videos for most of the Tango coins.
    • 3. Donald answers: I l;;ked. There is no such link.
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  • Michael asks: Or it’ll ask you dumb question can spectator examine the coin like in the standard scotch and soda? Looking for a ez reset.

    • 1. Jim answers: Casually? Yes. If they are a coin expert or magician, then I would not let them thoroughly examine the coins.
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