Slippery Expanded Shell - 2 Euro Coin - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Slippery Expanded Shell - 2 Euro Coin

Gimmicked coin by Tango Magic
63.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Slippery Expanded Shell - 2 Euro Coin

63.00 usd

Gimmicked coin by Tango Magic (63.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

The slippery expanded shell is a Steve Dusheck invention. It is a shell coin that only has half a rim. This allows you to remove the shell coin by sliding it over the nested coin, instead of lifting it up. This has uses in fingertip coin work.

The instructions describe a basic effect using the coins: The magician shows two coins in his left hand and makes one coin disappear with his right hand. The magician shows the contents of both hands, yet there is only one between them! As a finale, the second coin reappears in the left hand!


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