Siwei EP - Siwei Li - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Siwei EP

Magic download (video) by Siwei Li
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 21 reviews

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Siwei EP

21.60 usd

Magic download (video) by Siwei Li (21.60)

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antione de Saint-Exupery.

Every effect within the Siwei EP is a visual joy. The moves, when performed correctly, have an air of effortlessness that looks like real magic; coins vanish and appear as smooth as oil on glass.

For the well seasoned coin magician or for the aesthetic conjuror, Siwei Li forces you to reimagine the beauty of coin magic - your style will never be the same again.

Discover 9 masterfully constructed coin sleights from one of China's rising young stars. Included within Siwei's debut release you will learn 4 Retention Vanishes, 3 Productions, a Coins Across routine and lastly, with permission from David Williamson, Siwei tips his work on the Striking Vanish.


Customer reviews for Siwei EP



Well worth the practice 5 stars


luiz claudio





Fantastic coins across!







This gives three coins across, It is eye catching! I give it Five Stars.



I bought this a day ago and already it has changed my style. It is great and you get a lot of materials for your money. I really like the retention # 1. It requires very minimal finger movement and looks super deceptive. Also, the coins across is amazing. It's super visual and not only fools the eyes, but also the ears as well.



I was considering getting some of these piecemeal, I am glad I went for the EP pack. The Retention Vanish #4 is very deceptive and is becoming my go-to RV. Worth the price of the whole lot, and I always enjoy a three fly that doesn't use extra coins or gimmicks. Brilliant.



All of siwei's work is perfect in terms of naturalness and visualness. Despite the sleights being kind of demanding, i would highly recommend a coin begineer to buy this as it will allow one to have a great foundation on the retention pass. It is difficult to change the style of retention pass once you have already settled on one, which im pretty sure wont be as good as siwei.

After all, his determination on striving for perfection is what earns him the infamous nickname, THE COIN KING.



This is a wonderful lesson in elegance with coins. Siwei is the perfect example of several truths in the study and performance of magic. One of those truths is, “Simple doesn’t mean easy.” It takes a lot of thought to achieve the sample elegance displayed in this lesson, but all the hard work is done. If you follow the instructions in Siwei EP, you will most certainly elevate the appearance and effectiveness of your coin work. This is money well spent.



very nice clear instruction which will help many performers improve their magic



I consider myself something of a coin guy. But even so I found some of these moves take a while to get used to. Every sleight taught has so much thinking and cleverness behind it to make it completely invisible to the spectator, and I have a feeling that once I master this material that my coin work will take a quantum leap



…but it is not. I am a card guy, and do minimal coin work just to add a little variety to my practice. I purchased this originally because it looked too good, like a camera trick; a hollywood special effect; there was no way it would look this good in the real world.

I was wrong. It looks exactly like the demo video. And, it is not that difficult to learn (and remember, I am NOT a coin guy). I will be using some of these sleights in my routines (probably using poker chips and not coins, so it fits the gambling theme), but the techniques are great and very well taught.

If you do coin magic on a regular basis, you can’t afford to not buy this. If you do any coin work, you will certainly learn something you will use. It will be money and time well spent, and practice will be needed, but then again, if you are purchasing from here you are not the type to buy effects that “require no practice”.



This coin magic goes well into the realm of perfection. It wasn't difficult for me at all to learn but it positively devastated all who I've performed it for.

The instructions are very easy to understand and the teacher goes out of his way to explain the nuances and subleties in very understandable terms.

All in all, this is extrodinary teaching and the product is as good as it gets. I don't remember what I paid but it would have been worth hundreds for me.

Just an amazing set of sleights.



The most natural looking coin work! Excellent ,clear and precise explanations over the range. Clever and enjoyable to watch. Now I just need to get those moves down!



The moves you get are difficult but definitely worth learning. His retention vanishes are very deceiving and the productions are super visual. Im already adding a few of the techniques to my routines and it's making a huge difference. A must buy if you like coin work



This product has great content, that's why I gave it 5 stars, BUT, the fact that it's a series of streaming videos instead of a download is a huge disappointment. Fix that and I'll keep coming for more magic, otherwise I won't buy anything from you ever again.



Everything Siwei does seems effortless. His retention vanishes are convincing, his appearances startling, and best of all, he excells at teaching them. Highly recommended.



Thank you for a great video. It is easy to watch and understand. I like being able to go from one section to another without always having to run through the whole video to find something at a certain time on it.



I'm immersing into coin magic and to learn vanishes is really important. The retention vanish number 2 looks so similar to Dr Rubinstein vanish that appears in the symposium number 4. I believe he balances the coin in the same way.


Community questions about Siwei EP

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  • C. V. asks: Siwei EP - Is video with subtitles? Why? Because I’m deaf magician & interesting with ‘Siwei EP‘! Hoping you will help from my answer! Cheers from Colin

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Sorry, there are no subtitles for it. Just spoken English.
  • Ian asks: To assist the enquirer CP who is a deaf magician, does the video allow the viewer to learn the moves by watching alone, without the next for verbal or on-screen text?

    • 1. Jim answers: To be honest, it would be challenging to learn without hearing the instructions. Having a sign language interpreter present would be highly recommended.
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