Doubled Headed Coin - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Double-Headed Coins

As you might expect, this under-used and worthwhile gaff has two heads or, if you like, two tails. They are made from real coins, carefully machined together (beware of cheap immitation coins that are made with two heads).

Select the double-headed coins that you'd like to purchase below and then click the "Add to Cart" button below:

American coins


Double-Headed Coins

Uses for a Double-Headed Coin

The heads coin is very useful for mentalists who wish to predict a particular year. You display an assortment of coins and allow a spectator to continually toss them to the table, eliminating all the coins that land tails-side up. After several rounds, the only coin remaining will be your double-headed coin. You can go through this process with your back turned, and then ask the spectator to note the date on the remaining coin. You can then reveal this date any way you wish.

Gimmick Coins for Magic Tricks

Turn your coin magic into a coin miracle with the addition of a gimmicked coin. We stock a complete range:

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