Memories Are Made of This - Simon Aronson - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Memories Are Made of This

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Magic download (ebook) by Simon Aronson (Free)

Memorized deck magic is a whole new world for the card magician, and it has become a blooming intellectual industry. On a personal note, Simon’s thoughts and discoveries in this area changed the way I think about card magic. And taking your first two steps into this world are painless.

Step One: Download Simon’s FREE ebook Memories are Made This. Consider all he has to say, and then…

Step Two: Memorize the order. This takes a couple weeks, but once you’ve got it, it will be a skill you’ll have for life. And unlike other forms of practice, this one doesn’t require deft manipulation: it just requires some memory (and he makes this easy for you in the ebook).

Memorized Deck magic opens up unique possibilities. It turns pick-a-card tricks into THINK-a-card tricks. It allows you to perform amazing tricks without ever touching the cards. We’re all familiar with card controls (controlling a card to the top or controlling four Aces). With memorized deck magic, you are controlling all 52 cards, all the time.  

But exploring the world of memorized deck magic evokes questions. Which stack do I use? What is a memorized deck? How do I learn one? How long does it take? What tricks can I do with a memorized deck? All good questions. And Simon has some excellent advice on all these questions and more, and he is offering it to Vanishing Inc. readers for free. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Memories are Made of This is a little primer into a bigger world. In this booklet you have everything you need to memorize the stack. It will also help you decide which Aronson book is best to start with.  
All of Aronson’s books and DVDs are a FABULOUS value—nobody on Earth would dispute that. We always suggest you start with Bound to Please, but beginning with any of the others is fine, too.

If you downloaded this ebook from Simon a few years ago, you'll want to check out this version. It has been completely redesigned and has some great bonus material!

And remember, if you learn better from DVDs, click HERE for Sessions with Simon: Volume 3, which takes you step by step through the world of how to memorize and use the Aronson stack.

53 pages


Customer reviews for Memories Are Made of This



This one comes as a basic introductory book on deck memorization. It does not lean towards any orders, or a very specific stack, rather leaves it open for the reader to make that choice. Talks about basic principles and mathematical aspects and provides a reader ample context for their next endeavor in the field.



This is a great free download. In the download you get a fifty-three page eBook that deals with memorized decks. If you want to get into memorized deck magic then you should definitely get this. This also comes with the Aronson stack so if you want to learn that you could also get this. This is a very good download.



Great resource for those who are interested in effects that using memorized stacks. What I really liked was that you can adapt much of the stuff in this book to fit stacks that aren't the Aronson stack.



If you are into learning stack deck, this has plenty of very usefull information on the Aroson stack.



This was an interesting read. I really liked that most of it wasn’t stack specific, but more on fundamental principles. As somebody who has only recently dipped their toe into the world of memorised deck miracles I feel this gave me some great insights and ideas for future areas to explore in greater depth. It has also made me want to explore more of his other work as well!


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