Scripting Magic - Volume 2 - Pete McCabe - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Scripting Magic - Volume 2

By Pete McCabe
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4.9 | 26 reviews

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Scripting Magic - Volume 2

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Book or download by Pete McCabe ($59.95 or download for $44.96)

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Scripting Magic - Volume 2 - magic
Scripting Magic - Volume 2 Scripting Magic - Volume 2 Scripting Magic - Volume 2 Scripting Magic - Volume 2 Scripting Magic - Volume 2 Scripting Magic - Volume 2

This is the highly anticipated sequel to the smash success, Scripting Magic. Pete McCabe—with help from 25 of magic’s best—digs deeper into the most powerful tool in magic: the words you say when you perform. This powerful book will show you how to get more out of the tricks you already do, and develop new presentations that move your audiences in ways you’ve only dreamed up.

Scripting Magic 2 is the next step in your development as a magician. With a complete overview of the scripting process, practical, real-world exercises, and contributions from a who’s who of world class magicians, it’s the most advanced single volume ever written on the subject. It takes on the more challenging scripting techniques and makes them accessible for everyone from amateurs to experienced professionals.

Best of all, it includes many ways you can use scripting to improve your magic even if you don’t like performing a written script. Just a few well-placed lines can improve any effect. How many magic books will improve every single trick you do? Scripting Magic 2 will do just that.

Contributors: David Ben, Christian Cagigal, Bob Cassidy, Bob Farmer, Barry Fernelius, Paul Gertner, Roberto Giobbi, Andi Gladwin, Howard Hamburg, Harry Houdini, Derek Hughes. Joshua Jay. Curtis Kam, James Lewis, Max Maven, Francis Menotti, Robert Neale, Andrew Hill Newman, Ruben Padilla, David Parr, Chris Philpott, James Swain, Juan Tamariz, Dai Vernon, Michael Weber, and Larry White.

456 pages in a beautiful illustrated hardback, with elastic ribbon

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Customer reviews for Scripting Magic - Volume 2



What often separates amateur magicians from professionals is not sleight-of-hand ability. It is presentation. Many people use the standard padder that comes with the effect even if that padder does not suit their personality or style. Professionals, write scripts. There is an idea behind each effect that they want to communicate to the audience. This is where beginners and amateurs often fall short. This book will help you with all of the above. Before you learn another trick, buy this book and thank me later.



This quick performance is such a clean example of elegance and simplicity. I checked the running time as soon as it ended because it feels just the right amount of time to hook people in and present a surprising outcome. This looks like an effect for beginners, but I swear, this is the type of performance you would practice for a long time to get right and smooth.



This book (in combination with Volume 1) has upped my game more than any other book…I think it is a must have for any magician.



Buy this book along with volume 1 before you buy another trick. This 2 volume set is eye opening. I thought my scripting was fine but these books helped me to improve. It also gets you thinking about better presentations. Sometimes scripts are silent. Yes of course you knew that but applying these approaches to tricks you already know is incredibly useful.





I was expecting this good to be good based on the reviews and man I can only echo how absolutely fantastic this book is. It's an absolute labour of love. It must have taken the author countless hours to write. So much thought put into this. I am soo happy that vol 2 is back in print. I loved the first volume but this volume is even better. Such an invaluable tool to have.



Superlative !



VI Monthly




Awesome - great piece of scripting that has a clear premise, logical flow, and ends with an effect the spectators would have no problem summarizing after the performance to friends and family. Can't help but think there's a way to bring a more 'creepy' element into the effect to further the association with Hitchcock.



A great plot and lateral thinking that takes the spectator to a place he cannot retrace his way back to. Having the script provided, deliveries to you a turn-key effect, that just needs your own personality to round it out. Very impressed to see a video of such a high quality effect, as a add on, to this second volume. Well done Joshua!!










VI Monthly


I am sooo glad that Josua's Hitchcock Performance was included in Scripting Magic, volume 2.
I first saw Joshua perform this effect (and many other great effects when he came to Portland and gave a lecture for our local magic club on March 6th, 2013.

Why do I remember that date? Because a person tends to remember where he was when he saw the most exciting magic performance and magic effect he had ever seen. (And because the date was included in the 22-pages of notes I made on Joshua's lecture. (grin)

His Hitchcock Performance was the first effect performed in that lecture...and I was hooked! Joshua definitely presented Hitchcock's Suspense and Surprise elements...and he also satisfied the performance "Rule of Three" by having three surprises...and the last surprise hit you like a custard pie in the face and tied the effect up into one neat package. You NEVER saw it coming.

If ever an effect deserved to be in a book about Scripting Magic, it was Joshua's Hitchcock Presentation. I cannot imagine anyone watching his performance who was not enthralled by the performance and wishing it had never ended. Hitchcock Performance was the opening salvo in Joshua's aforesaid magic lecture. Tight tight scripting. It set the stage for a totally immersive interactive love affair between Joshua and his audience. I was emotionally drained by the time the lecture was over.

Joshua's Hitchcock Presentation? It could have easily been the Closing Effect of his lecture. It was that strong. An absolutely inspired presentation.

Joshua, THANK YOU for an emotional experience that I will never forget.





Excellent book! It gives tonnes of advice about scripting, and has really helped to improve my magic. I found the exercises especially helpful, and the interviews were also packed with great advice. Pete and everyone else involved have done an amazing job.

VI Monthly


This is a masterpiece -- and by far my favorite book in a huge library of magic. Honestly, this sat on my shelf for months, unread. I was turned off a bit by the title -- it sounded like a text on how to write scripts, which seemed like it might be dense. It is not. It's about creating meaning and emotion for your effects, not a text on how to write a script. Rich full of amazing ideas. And even more than that -- it contains some of the best effects you will ever encounter, from some of the best minds in the industry. I have several hundred book on magic in my library. If I could only keep two, it would be the two volumes of Scripting Magic.



I found Scripting Magic Volume 2 to be an insightful guide and deep dive to the subject of scripting. It provides a compelling case for scripting magic and a practical guide to approach the subject. The addition of scripts for several magic effects greatly enhances the learning process. The book also includes the worksheets that are featured, to eliminate the need to print out the pdfs.



The mechanics of how a trick is done are the secret ingredients that no one but the magician knows about. The presentation brings the trick to life. The words, the story, the mood - in other words, the script - that's the magic! These books are essential, practical, engaging, and will transform your magic into pieces of theatre that will enchant your audiences and have them eating out of your hand.

Learning sleights, subtleties and moves is hard work and takes hours of dedicated practice to perfect, but that is only half of the equation. A good script is no less hard to craft and is every bit as important when presenting good magic. Why settle for good when your magic can be great. Take your art to the next level. Needless to say I am a big fan of the material in these books. Pete McCabe gives you anecdotes from many professionals, lessons, exercises, worksheets you can download, and nuggets of wisdom that will help you unlock the meaning behind every trick you perform. You'll even find some great tricks in these pages as well.



Good book. Even if you disagree with every point made in the book, you'll still have a lot to argue about with your magic friends. Although, there's not a ton of things to argue about, in my opinion.

Fun and educational.



This is a great complement to Scripting Magic 1, as in the trailer says, this is a masterclass, they provide you worksheets so you can do exercises that will make you improve what you say in your routines. Any of the volumes of Scripting Magic is worth the money, but it’s better if you have both of them.

Even if you don't like to say a script word for word, this will make you become a better magician





VI Monthly



Community questions about Scripting Magic - Volume 2

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  • Michael asks: Do I need to get both volumes? Or does volume 2 update and replace volume 1 as well as having new things?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Volume 2 does not replace volume 1—each contains unique content.
  • Akashdeep asks: What is the difference between volume 1 and volume 2.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: vol2 is a wholly different book.
  • Craig asks: Do you have a list of the contents for this book?

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    • Steve asks: Is Vol 2 focused on cards or magic in general?

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      • Steve asks: Is Vol 2 focused on cards or magic in general?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Magic in general.
      • Edward asks: Are there any bundles for buying the two volumes at the same time?

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: For the next few days only, yes!
      • JeongHee asks: Only book 2 have the work sheet?? Book 1 doesnt' include worksheet??

        • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Only Book 2 contains the worksheets.
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