The Retreat Registration Terms

I acknowledge that I have voluntarily elected to participate in the Vanishing Inc Retreat.

I confirm that travel by its very nature contains risks and I acknowledge that I may sustain serious personal injuries, illness, property loss or damage, or even death as a consequence of the actions, inactions or negligence of myself or others, travel, weather conditions, and other risks not known to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. I further understand and agree that any such injuries and consequences that I may sustain by any means are my sole responsibility.

I understand there are potential risks inherent to my participation in the Retreat and these potential risks include, but are not limited to: travel to and from the Retreat; local travel within the Retreat site; consumption of food; weather conditions; language barriers; contagious diseases; terrorism; negligent first aid operations or procedures; and other risks that are unknown at this time. Although the Vanishing Inc has made every reasonable effort to assure my safety while participating in the Retreat, there are unavoidable risks particularly in connection with the use of third party service providers.

I understand that the Vanishing Inc and the Released Parties (described herein) are not in any way responsible for my wellbeing with respect to any travel destinations and/or participation in activities that I may choose to undertake before, during, or after the Retreat. I knowingly and voluntarily assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the Released Parties and I voluntarily assume full responsibility for my participation in the Retreat.

I understand and agree that, although the Vanishing Inc will attempt to maintain the Retreat as described in its publications, it reserves the right to change the Retreat including, but not limited to the itinerary, travel arrangements, or accommodations at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and that the Vanishing Inc, or its employees and agents, shall not be responsible or liable for any expenses or losses that I may sustain because of these changes.

I understand that due to the nature of the Retreat, all payments are non-refundable. I confirm I have full travel insurance that includes trip protection and emergency medical cover. I have no known physical or health-related reasons or problems that may preclude or restrict my participation in the Retreat and related activities. I hereby release each of the Released parties from any and all claims, damages, injuries, or loss arising out of my participation in the Retreat.

I further agree that receiving any inoculations (if necessary) is my responsibility and I will not hold the Vanishing Inc liable for any illness abroad or at home (including but not limited to COVID-19) as a result of my participation in the Retreat. I will make all preparations necessary to safeguard my health and comply with all recommended precautions pertaining to my health and safety. I have further arranged, through insurance or otherwise, to meet any and all needs for payment of health care coverage or medical costs that I may incur while I participate in the Retreat.

Vanishing Inc may, but is not obligated to, make any decisions and take any actions regarding my health and safety that it considers to be warranted under the circumstances, and I hereby authorize Vanishing Inc to make such decisions and take such actions. I agree to pay all expenses relating thereto and release Vanishing Inc from any liability for any such actions.

I understand and agree that I must comply with all applicable Vanishing Inc rules, regulations and policies governing Retreat activities. I understand and agree that the Vanishing Inc reserves the right to dismiss me from the Retreat at any time should my actions or general behaviour, in the sole discretion of Vanishing Inc, be determined to constitute a danger to myself, others, or is a detriment to the progress and objectives of the Retreat in any way.

In consideration of the opportunity afforded to me and with full knowledge and acceptance of the risks associated with international travel, I hereby release, indemnify, hold harmless and covenant not to sue Vanishing Inc, its trustees, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, and any other person involved with the Retreat (“Released Parties”), either directly or indirectly, from all claims, suits, expenses, attorney fees and demands of any nature (including negligence) caused by, deriving from, or associated with my participation in this Retreat and related a