Above the Fold Sampler - Rich Aviles - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Above the Fold Sampler

0.00 usd

Magic download (ebook) by Rich Aviles (Free)

Published by Vanishing Inc. Magic, Above the Fold is the debut collection from one of magic’s most exciting new talents: Rich Aviles. In this intelligent, praiseworthy collection of card and close-up material, Aviles details thirteen effects and seven moves, each one explained with equal parts clarity and wit.

We have had enormous success with publishing SMALL BUT POTENT magic books—we like to present only the strongest material of a clever magic thinker. Every single trick is worth reading, practicing, and performing.

Download this 14-page extract of Above the Fold absolutely free!

Sample, 14 pages


Customer reviews for Above the Fold Sampler



This is making me want to find the full print.



Though Above the Fold is out of print, this sampler gives an enticing look at the creative way Rich Aviles thinks about card magic. The complimentary effect - Fax Machine - is an offbeat piece of technique that makes me crave the chance to read the rest of this booklet! Vanishing Inc, reprint it? Please?



Above the fold sampler is mostly about card tricks and close up magic. "Fax machine" comes as a pleasant trick which is talked about in this brief preview. Rich Aviles is a clever artist and his presentation does justice to his craft. There are some moves involved in the trick which are explained well.



Its a free sampler to let you have a feel of what the real book will be like. I have to say it is a pretty interesting book, there are some card and close up plots that will be discussed in the book and it is not hard to read.



This is only 14 pages so no a lot is in this but its free so why not get it. if you are thinking about getting the actual book than get this and you will see if you like it. thanks VI for making this sampler free!



This sampler is a great download. I really liked the move they showed in this sample. I wish I could get Above the Fold (but it is out of stock). It gives you the introduction to the book and one move called fax machine. Definitely a good download.



Good preview of the full book. Read this and see if you like it. I enjoyed it and think I'll invest in Rick Aviles's full book.



what can I say,its a sampler. Worth the price. will probably make the book my next purchase. that is what a sampler is suppose to do


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