Magic in Mind - Joshua Jay - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Magic in Mind

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Magic download (ebook) by Joshua Jay (Free)

A note from Joshua Jay: What if I told you that today we are releasing a book with contributions from Derren Brown, Teller, and Juan Tamariz? How about if the book also included contributions from John Carney, Darwin Ortiz, Tommy Wonder, Pit Hartling, Rene Lavand, Tom Stone, and nearly thirty other magic luminaries?

And what if I told you that this collection was entirely free?

I have spent the last three years working on Magic in Mind, which is my gift to all magicians, young and old, who care deeply about magic. I set out to assemble some of the most important, influential, and helpful essays on magic ever written, and make them available to all serious students of magic for free. Coming in at over 500 pages, Magic in Mind is finally ready.

I am overwhelmed by the generosity of nearly thirty of my heroes, who kindly consented for me to publish or republish their words. Some essays the serious student will be familiar with, from Houdin to Fitzkee to Maven. Others are more arcane, but no less important. For example, I was able to get permission from the Tommy Wonder estate, and to have Juan Tamariz’s blessing to publish his essay on “illusionism” for the first time in English. I feel very lucky to have worked on this project, and I hope that magicians who read Magic in Mind will find the material as inspiring as I do.

List of contributors to Magic in Mind

  • Tommy Wonder
  • Charles Reynolds
  • Simon Aronson
  • Paul Harris
  • John Carney
  • Jamy Ian Swiss
  • Dariel Fitzke
  • Peter Samelson
  • Derren Brown
  • Michael Close
  • Pit Hartling
  • Eugene Burger
  • S.H. Sharpe
  • René Lavand
  • Robert-Houdin
  • Henning Nelms
  • Juan Tamariz
  • Rick Johnsson
  • Tom Stone
  • Darwin Ortiz
  • Milt Kort
  • Arturo de Ascanio
  • David Regal
  • Doug Conn
  • Ken Weber
  • David Kaye
  • Roberto Giobbi
  • Eberhard Riese
  • Brian Brushwood
  • Teller
  • Whit Haydn
  • Max Maven
  • John Nevil Maskelyne

One small favor, if you please. In the sharing spirit this book is offered, please help me spread the word. If you know a young (or old) magician who would benefit from this collection, please send them to us so they can download it as well. Your tweets and comments will enable Magic in Mind to do what it is intended to do: improve the quality of magic in our industry.


Customer reviews for Magic in Mind



I started my magic journey by purchasing one of Joshua’s books. Anytime he puts something out I will take interest. He is truly a walking encyclopedia of magic. Listen to what he has to say.



Awesome! Everything Joshua does is great!



This download is great if your seeking material that will help you grow and utilize your skills in being a magician. I found that reading the thoughts of so many great magicians are greatly helpful, and to find them all in one place is fantastic. There is so much material to absorb, it really makes you think of things in a different way then what you are used to. It makes you see your tricks and performances through someone else's point of view. It really keeps you guessing. It shows whole processes on not just how we do these gimmicks, but also why we do them. It really stimulates your thinking process on how you perform these effects with every trick and routine, and how you will perform them in the times to come. It really exceeded my expectations. A great, valuable read for sure.



I am so glad that I found and starting reading this book. I have read it cover to cover in 3 days and made highlights and notes within the pdf. This is wonderful material me as I seek to grow in my performance and skills at creating magical moments for spectators. It is fabulous to be able to meet the thoughts of so many great magicians within a single book. I have already read Darwin Ortiz's two books, Strong Magic and Designing Miracles. Great excerpts from those appear in Magic in Mind. I am taking to heart the challenge from Derren Brown that is in the book's final chapter "... what exactly do I want my audience to feel has occurred, and what do I want them to think of me? For magicians who do not keep this question in mind as they design and perform material, no clear answers will develop. The magician will just do the trick as best as he can, and then move to another one. If pressed, he will say that the audience should feel amazed and amused by his skill." 



Wow! I saw this was free and expected it'd be good but it exceeded my expectations! The amount of material covered is incredible! And the names presented in this book lends itself to the serious nature of this work. This book really probes into the greatest minds in the art of magic. A book like this could easily sell for a good amount, but here they are sharing it for free!



This astonishing volumes contains thought provoking essays from some of the brilliant masterminds and practitioners in the art of magic, including Tommy, Wonder, Juan Tamariz, Paul Harris, Max Maven, Eugene Burger, John Carney, Darwin Ortiz and others. Topics covered include construction of routines, practice, psychology, audience management, originality, to name a few. If you had to select a single theory book to own, this should be it.



I think its fair to say I am one of Joshua Jays biggest fans, and that's why I always jump at any release of his. However, I could not have been happier when I saw that he had released a book for absolutely nothing. I am extremely impressed with the book so far, and I know I can trust every word inside the book because it has been written by one of magic's greatest, Joshua Jay. Definitely recommend.


Laura Bautista

What a wonderful book. I still can't believe it's free. Tremendous congregation of great magicians under the baton of the great Joshua Jay. To read little by little, in moments. It is one of those documents that should be part of any magician's bookshelf. Even if it's virtual...



Oh. Wow. This is the stuff. This is where the real magic happens. You read in the descriptions of a lot of effects that it raises something from a “good trick” to a “miracle.” In virtually every case what makes the difference is all that goes into creating the context in which the trick takes place. Another way to say it is parting more attempts to the “why” of what we do than just the ”how.” I’ve only had a chance to dip my toe into these essays yet have already learned a lot and been inspired to read more.



This may be the greatest collection of essays from the top who's who magicians and mentalists every compiled. I can't praise this enough. Performing can feel like following a methodological recipe. But if we want to evolve, we need to think about our art. That's where the real magic happens. We begin to create our own metaphorical recipes and experiment like mad scientists in the lab. The essays come from a wide range of different performers with different philosophies and opinions. Here, we get to see our own heroes think about the art. In these pages you'll find as much inspiration, as you will things to disagree with and that's not a negative statement. We're not all going to agree on everything. But we all need to think about what works best for ourselves. And this doesn't cost anything which dumbfounds me considering the expansive wealth of insight. Thanks, Andi!



How can you pass this by?! Joshua Jay! Free! A compilation of thought and experience! It's a wonderful gift!




An absolute genius by Joshua Jay. "Magic in Mind" is a collection with contributions by the whos who of magic. The ebook is a polished demonstration of Jay's style and is suited to anyone from a beginner to a professional. This is targeted at a serious audience who would not mind expanding their horizons. The overall appeal of this book is fresh and forms a definitive read for the distinguished works of prominent names in the art of magic.



Simply brilliant- this book shouldn't be free!



I have just downloaded Magic in Mind. I have not read it as yet, other than a few sentences written by Eugene Burger— Eugene is profound by sentence, paragraph and chapter. I viewed the list of contributors by chapters and topics—I’m looking forward to reading this book, it is well worth the price I had to pay for it. I find it interesting paying $125.00 for a 79 page book that is swill; and, Magic of the Mind is 500 pages, free and one of the best books I’ve seen in years.




A free 500 page e-book of essays by 30 of the world’s greatest magicians of all time; legends like Juan Tamariz, Tommy Wonder, Max Maven, Paul Harris, Derren Brown, Eugene Berger, Roberto can't get much better than this!

So many of us tend to focus on the latest ‘new’ trick or sleight and ignore the huge importance of magic’s underlying theories. This wonderful book puts that right - a collection of great essays to dip into and mine the wisdom of brilliant magical thinkers. I found myself doing more than merely picking an essay every now and then. While that is what I have done, I often find myself going back to an essay I’ve already read and finding a few more inspirations.

Every essay I’ve read has stimulated my thinking in relation to every trick or routine I perform.

Josh has asked that we make this offer known to other magicians of all levels, who will be welcome to download their free copies. I hope many will do this as I’ve no doubt anyone wishing to advance their magical knowledge will benefit greatly from this book.



Josh - thank you for this wonderful gift over 500 pages of the best magic theory! So excited to learn about the greatest magicians and want to thank you for all the amazing work done in researching all the information provided. Great gift thank you!


Juan Carlos

One of the most valuable texts on magic that I've ever read!



I can study English and Magic and,,,
Thank you very much!



Not gonna lie but usually i pay close attention to Joshua Jay's releases and ideas. This provides a lot of great information and knowledge which are valuable and some which are not able to be found anymore in the market. It is highly recommended.



This is an amazing book!!!!!!! There are no tricks in the book but it talks about performing and presentation and stuff like that. If you want to learn more about that stuff then this is for you. It is five hundred fifty-five pages long and is absolutely amazing.



This a book, not to ready but to study, as most if not all books about magic. As it is well indicated in the book, books will definitely help and be great assets, but only if we put as much effort as we want.
So many great lessons learned in this book, just finishing this, will review all the notes i took and study. Then and after a certain time, will start books of wonder. What a great combo. Magic in mind and then books of wonder.
Thanks Joshua.



omg. this book is sooo good and its for free! Joshua jay you did such and amazing job and thanks VI for making this free. this is such a great book i wish i could give it 6 stars. highly recommend to anyone in magic



This free ebook contains many essays from the best magic books, some of which are out of stock or expensive (if you were to buy all the books included here). There's a lot of valuable lessons to learn here. Get it since it's free. It's worth your time.



A must reading for everyone, and a winner from Vanishing Magic Inc. As a newcomer to magic this has proven indispensable and inspiring, and although 500+ pages from over 30 authors maybe daunting it actually makes for a very easy read, as well as supplying a path on a journey to understanding magic for those next steps. I'm now in my 60s and I don't know where my Magic will take me. What matters is that the kid who loved magic finally has the thinking and tools he needed to start his journey.
Regards Sam



I can't believe this was free, lol! So much great information and knowledge! Joshua Jay's mind is like a vault if ongoing ideas that you can never get enough of. I am always so intrigued by what he comes up with, I just always seem to be in the same page as him when I learn his tricks and ideas. What a great e-book, just get it and lose yourself in his genius!



This is absolutely incredible! This would be well worth paying substantial real money for. The fact that this was put out for free completely blows my mind. There is literally no downside to getting it.



This book was a super fun read.
It's filled with contributions from a variety of experienced magicians and it was interesting to see all of their different ideas and approaches to magic in one giant volume.



There is simply no reason why you shouldn't have the Magic in Mind eBook. The material included in this book is GOLD, which is an understatement. If you ever wanted to improve your magic but don't know how because there are just too many books on magic theory out there, then add this to your account as soon as possible! The quality of material included in this book is superb. You will find a mixture of magic theory from some of the top magicians and mentalists in the world. The value I received from this book is immeasurable, what are you waiting for.... get it now! It's free!



Really amazing stuff that, once again, Vanishing Inc is providing really great content for free. This shows that they actually do care about furthering the art of magic above profits. Really, really great stuff for free! Amazing.



A free sampling from the minds of many of magic's greatest thinkers? Yes, please!

If you enjoy thinking about the quality of your craft and discovering ways to take your performances to new levels, this is as no brainer and no brainers could possibly be. If that sort of thing *isn't* important to you, why are you here in the first place?

The odds are that you already know you should order this ebook. If you have any doubts it's probably because either want to make sure that you don't have all this stuff already (possible, but highly unlikely) or you want reassurance that this compilation is actually what the promotional copy claims it to be. Well, It is. You can stop worrying and click the order button .



I Love Magic In Mind!



Now it’s FREE! Completely worth the time!



Well this is definitely an addition to my library. Thank you for this :)



This is a very interesting book you have some really great authors
## List of contributors ??? ?Magic in Mind*
Tommy Wonder
Charles Reynolds
Simon Aronson
Paul Harris
John Carney
Jamy Ian Swiss
Dariel Fitzke
Peter Samelson
Derren Brown
Michael Close
Pit Hartling
Eugene Burger
S.H. Sharpe
René Lavand
Henning Nelms
Juan Tamariz
Rick Johnsson
Tom Stone
Darwin Ortiz
Milt Kort
Arturo de Ascanio
David Regal
Doug Conn
Ken Weber
David Kaye
Roberto Giobbi
Eberhard Riese
Brian Brushwood
Whit Haydn
Max Maven
John Nevil Maskelyne



Vanishing inc is a very generous for giving this book for free. You need to read this book if you care about magic theory. Everything in the book will make you think harder about your magic. That's where most magicians go wrong. Thanks Josh and Andi for making this gem of a book!



I think this would be required reading when entering the academic halls of magic.



This book is so generous and practical. Some of the greatest nuggets of magic harvested from hundreds of years of authors and tens of thousands of pages. This is the most useful and enjoyable book I have ever read and wanted to say thank you and also good job.



Great Resource... just by looking at the names that have contributed... I would pay for a nice printed edition...perhaps with nice bookmark that is attached to it.. :)
The content looks well curated from all the sources just by looking the table of contents.



Thanks guys, this is great! I'm 1/5 through right now and every day I've gained so much from this book. What a great gift!



Thanks so much for such an incredible compilation!!



This is a terrific book that is a must read for not only magicians but for all involved in the performing arts. I am a musician, music teacher by trade and I enjoy magic very much as well. There is so much carry over between the two art forms and within this book you will find so many things that will help you be better at all performing arts. Thanks so much for putting this together and offering it to the performing arts community. One thing I have noticed over the years is that people involved in the performing arts have a wonderful desire to share with others. This book is positive proof of that!



I can not comprehend how all this amount of work done by Vanishing Inc is FREE? Maybe because they are not the authors of the content inside, but I can not be more thankful for giving this to the magic community free.

Don´t think about it, just DOWNLOAD IT!



Get it! This 555 page book is essential to magic.This knowledge is what separates magicians from :"someone who knows couple tricks". The book is divided into different chapters and contains collected essays from some of the most influential thinkers in magic of all time. There's something in here for all performers. I'm a mentalist and I've benefited greatly from every essay. This is a book you'll read and cherish and study for a lifetime. A lifetime worth of knowledge is here and all for the price of FREE!!!!!! Why don't you have it yet?



Here is another historic addition to the contributions of great and generous magicians that I hope will stand the test of time. This is an incredible "gift" to the magic community from an incredible gentleman. Joshua...thank you for such an insightful and generous gift.



I can't believe this collection of essays is free. I wish my fifteen-year-old self could have read this. He wouldn't have dropped out of magic for lack of direction, understanding and confidence.

This collection contains everything you need to be aware of if you want to understand what performing magic is really all about. You will feel as if all those performers are there in the same room with you, giving you their advice, building on what others have said before. You will realize that you are not looking for answers. You are looking for questions. The way you answer those questions will shape who you will become.

I'm 35 now and I don't know where my answers will take me. What matters is that the kid who loved magic finally has the thinking toys aka tools he needed to start his journey.



You have no excuse! This is an amazing resource. It will make you think and even question the hows and whys to your approach and performance. Oh, and it's free so get it. You won't regret it.



Navigating one's way through the formidable back catalogue of writings on magic can be pretty daunting - so if someone would only put together a selective reader… and now they have! 'Magic in Mind' is a real boon, an absolute gem, and a remarkably generous endeavour - priceless, in many ways.
As a newcomer to magic this has proven indispensable and inspiring, and although 500+ pages from over 30 authors may seem daunting it actually makes for a very flowing read, as well as supplying an indispensable bibliography for those next reading steps…



l like magic book



Thank you!!!! I'm speechless.






This is one of the greatest and most inspirational collection of essays ever! Do yourself a favour and download it. Now. What are you waiting for?



I just open the pdf file...FANTASTIC!!!
Thank you very much for your excellent work and the generosity of all the Artists
5 stars *****



This is an excellent E-book Not because it is free but The value of the book itself is overwhelming
Every starting magician should read this e-book also Strong Magic also a great accompany for this e-book since its all theoretical and very useful to professionals or beginners that are very in to magic not only as a hobby.
Vanishing inc is definitely the website for magicians.
Cheers, -Jordi Narpati-



Over the years quite a few online magic companies with slogan to change the magic community but in reality what they are doing merely is not. All we have in the last decade were hundreds of custom printed decks, thousands of DVDs which most of them never remember what effect taught inside and tens of thousands instant downloads where many of us even do not want to know what it is about.

Magic in mind is just like a life ring in the ocean of magic junk. Enough said.

I wished that this book is available when I started more than a decade ago so that I would not spent time that I do not need to in searching what to learn and how to study magic.

A must read for everyone, another winner from Vanishing Magic Inc.



I see this as one of those books that will echo for generations to come, guiding everyone towards a stronger understanding and practice of Magic. A phenomenal work everyone should read no matter the level of skill. A true step forward in our Art!



It's awesome!



I really enjoy Joshua Jay's releases. Yet, it is not often that I take the time to read essays on magic. That is something I am working on, especially after I started reading this. This definitely isn't something that one could speed-read through, but I think that it was quite interesting to read. I have liked some of what I've read, can't wait to continue it.


Community questions about Magic in Mind

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Eric asks: Was this ever made into a hardbound book?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It was but in very limited quantities. They are no longer available.
  • Andrew asks: can this be made available in epub format for easier reading on e-readers?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No plans for that, at the moment.
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