Learn card magic for free - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Learn card magic for free!

Paul Wilson is an award-winning legend of magic. He’s an incredible expert on crooked gambling and has starred in, advised for and produced written and directed many films. You’ll have seen him on TV’s The Real Hustle amongst many other appearances.

On this free 80 minute video download, he’s now going to teach you magic. For free.

That’s right, this is your chance to learn from a real expert about the real way to learn both sleight of hand and card tricks you can do and it won’t cost you a penny.

In this phenomenal introductory video course to close up magic with cards you will get 10 lessons on 10 principles of card magic and 10 tricks you can do with an ordinary deck of cards too.

You will learn how to:

  • shuffle and pretend to shuffle a deck of cards
  • secretly learn which card someone picks
  • palm cards off the deck
  • and much more

Create your free account with Vanishing Inc. today and get your magic video immediately.

I want to learn card magic!

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