The Magic of Vietnam - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Magic of Vietnam

Galaxy Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Galaxy
Magic download (video) by Tran Cao Luan - 12.00

Vietnam's Tran Cao Luan is an exceptional sleight of hand talent. "Galaxy" is his solution to a tabled one-card switch. It's based on Chris "Orbit"...

Tu Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Tu
Magic download (video) by Creative Artists and Nguyen Ngoc Tu - 12.00

The 'Creative Artists' are a wildly talented group of magicians from Vietnam who instantly impressed us with their dynamic style and incredible...

Spellbound Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Spellbound
Magic download (video) by Creative Artists and Yuxu - 12.00

At Vanishing Inc. Magic we are careful and measured with our praise. But when you watch the trailer for "Spellbound" we think you'll agree with us....

Retention Magic download (video)
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Retention
Magic download (video) by Tri Ryuzaki - 12.00

This is exactly the tune-up your coin magic needs. There is the retention vanish, and then there's this. This stunning, new technique for vanishing a...

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