At The Table Live Seol Park - Seol Park - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

At The Table Live Seol Park

Magic download (video) by Seol Park

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At The Table Live Seol Park

7.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Seol Park (7.95)

It's finally here-Seol Park's At The Table lecture! He's an internationally acclaimed magician performing all over the world in places like Taiwan, the US, Canada, the Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, and Russia. He was the 2015 FISM Italy close-up micro winner, the 2014 FISM Asia close-up champion, the 2014 IBM & SAM combined close-up S.A.M. high score, the 2012 BIMF close-up champion, the 2012 UGM close-up champion, and the 2012 Macmillan International close-up winner. Join us At The Table to find out exactly why Seol Park's magic is highly praised around the world. Learn his unique blend of close-up and parlor magic right here, At The Table. Here's what you'll learn:

Voice Rope Trick: A comic and modern twist to the classic rope routine.

Cup and Ball with a Straw: A routine using a paper cup, a candy ball, and a straw for a simple yet effective cup and ball routine with a kicker ending.

Time to Change: A visual bill change using no gimmicks.

Take Back: A bill transfer routine where the bill spontaneously changes in the spectator's hand.

Mystery of the 5 Dollar Bill: A story of a lucky two-dollar bill is told in the routine using a bill and cards.

Bill in Pen: The signed card teleports into the cap of the marker that was just used.

Note: The lecture will be aired on Nov 7


Customer reviews for At The Table Live Seol Park



Really good lecture! Lots of great ideas that are for workers! He does use a translator so be ready for that. Highly recommend!!


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