Chris Wood Live Lecture - Chris Wood - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Chris Wood Live Lecture

Live lecture by Chris Wood

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Chris Wood Live Lecture

7.95 usd

Live lecture by Chris Wood (7.95)

Not only is Chris Wood a full-time professional magician, but he is the creator and director of the highly successful "Close-Up @ The Magic Circle" show as well as The Magic Circle Foundation charity. He routinely captivates and charms his audiences with a mixture of accomplished sleight of hand and first class misdirection. Now he brings his considerable expertise to bear on At The Table, where he will help you upgrade your routines with a masterclass of performance theory and misdirection. Along the way you'll learn:

The Bill Switch: An incredibly smooth bill switch that includes a discussion on developing rapport with your audience all while performing the impossible, right in front of their eyes!

Coins & Wand: Chris discusses the importance of misdirection while performing his seemingly effortless handling on a Three Coin Transpo.

Roulette: A unique, simple, and awe-inspiring version of card roulette that will blow your spectator's minds. Chris also discusses the importance of connecting with your audience with consistent responses.

Ambitious Aces: You've never seen anything like this version of Ambitious Aces, a regular routine in Chris's own working repertoire.

Twisting the Aces: Witness invisible sleight of hand techniques on this reverse Ambitious Aces routine.

...And more! Including lessons in refining pace and texture using everyday items, as well as lessons in structure and conveying personality with your audience.


Customer reviews for Chris Wood Live Lecture



What a great thinking behind the tricks and magic in general! Very seldom I came across someone which such great thoughts in timing, motivation, wording and framing. Superb!



great lecture!!!!


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