Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture - Darwin Ortiz - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture

Magic download (video) by Darwin Ortiz

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Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture

7.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Darwin Ortiz (7.95)

Darwin Ortiz is a MASTER of close-up card magic and gambling techniques. Known worldwide for the many books that he has released on both subjects, Darwin is sure to delight with his charming presentations and ridiculously smooth handling of some of the most intricate of techniques. Having spent DECADES deceiving others with his uncanny skills, Darwin is sharing some of the many classic effects that he is known for, plus some new, unpublished material.

This lecture will leave you wanting more, as he dives deeply into presentation, sleights and theory.


Fast Company -
One of the most convincing versions of Triumph you'll ever perform. Thanks to a great new presentational angle, it may also be the most entertaining.

Jacks Or Better -
Darwin's latest handling of this highly commercial gambling routine from Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table.

Hard Target -
A two-phase sandwich effect that seems to present an uncanny demonstration of skill.

The New Back Off -
Start with four double-backed cards and 'magicially' print faces on each. If you are a fan of packet tricks, this is one of THE most convincing packet tricks that you will ever perform.

Card Sense -
A baffling triple card divination. A multiple selection routine that is sure to stun and fool!

Appointment in Samarra -
A unique effect and a powerful presentation that will create a memorable experience for your audience.

PLUS! Darwin will present an effect from his latest book, Lessons in Card Mastery. Sorry folks, this is a performance only.


Customer reviews for Darwin Ortiz Live Lecture



Great. Even if you already have access to the effects performed, this is still worth it.








This man is incredibly talented with unbelievable skill and chops. each move and miracle is explained in high detail with his touch of elegance and insight. All within reach of any card handler. You cannot go wrong with this lecture! get this.




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