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Etienne Pradier Live Lecture

Live lecture by Etienne Pradier

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Etienne Pradier Live Lecture

7.95 usd

Live lecture by Etienne Pradier (7.95)

Calling himself "The French Magician," Etienne Pradier has made a name for himself as an amazing close-up magician, entertaining people from LA to London, including the Royal family. A Penn & Teller Fooler, his magic showcases not only his creativity and skill, but his incredible personality and charisma, which has led him to become one of the UK's most successful London UK-based magicians. Come join us At The Table and see how witty, clever and utterly charming this Frenchman can be.

Here's what you'll learn:

Bureau De Change: A multi-phase bill change routine with multiple bills, and many different currencies!

Fork, Glass, and Snapping Finger: A hard-hitting visual opener that utilizes common dining objects.

Card Under the Pen: A quick card effect, perfect for trade shows!

EP's Card in Mouth: Etienne turns the classic card-in-mouth effect into a transposition!

Hypnotize: A spectator selects a card and the magician places 2 random cards in the spectator's hands. The random cards aren't the selection, but the magician hypnotizes him to see it as the selection. A great effect that will leave your spectators scratching their heads!

Bill Malone Application: Etienne's take on a Bill Malone move that makes the move feel more naturally motivated. You'll love it!

Coin Voyage: Etienne's interpretation of the classic. The chosen coin vanishes from under a wine glass into a crumpled bill in the spectator's hand.

Marriage: Etienne's take on Anniversary Waltz, including smooth moves, and hilarious moments that lead to incredible reactions!

Red Hot Chili Pepper: Etienne's version of Red Hot Mama with some amazing Etienne touches!

Omni Deck: Etienne's Omni-deck routine with a clever load that never requires you to go to your pocket. If you own an Omni deck, you'll definitely be using this one!

Time Watch: A spectator chooses a time, and now the borrowed watch is now at that time! An impromptu miracle!

Barking Dog: Etienne's Barking Dog trick with a new visual transfer of a signed bill.

ESP: An easy move to control 4 cards.

Pablo Aces: Etienne's famous disappearing and reappearing Aces routine. A power-packed routine!

Cold Card: An edgy and incredibly hilarious routine and a dual reality ending that will leave your audience in tears!


Customer reviews for Etienne Pradier Live Lecture



Etienne, le Boss :)



Wow this was brilliant. Etienne is hilarious, and there are so many great tricks in here. His omni deck is just brilliant, his version of Chicago opener is awesome, his Pablo aces routine is amazing, there wasn't a bad trick in there. It was hard to understand some of the tricks, but it was mostly great teaching. Great lecture



Excellent lecture , he gives so much fast and furious sometimes ,well worth a purchase , pablos aces was brilliant .



This lecture which I had to watch twice is amazing. The "Card Under Pen" is something I love cause of me being me. His method for the Omni Deck is F'N genius, like you will feel sad when he shows the idea and you just slap your self for not thinking of it before him.



Never heard of this guy , but I was totally blown away by his chops and misdirection techniques! This man is incredible, this was the best lecture of the year. Laughed my butt off.He is very funny and entertaining and smooth. He takes the classics and puts a great spin on them. His sleight of hand is incredible,yet quite easy to perform even for a beginner. Get this lecture, you will not be disappointed. Highly recommended.


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