Appearing Pole Bag - Uday's Magic World - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Appearing Pole Bag

Accessory by Uday's Magic World
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Appearing Pole Bag

5.50 usd

Accessory by Uday's Magic World (5.50)

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A durable, tear-resistant bag that is perfect for producing an "Appearing Pole" or "Giant Appearing Straw".

These attractive, high-quality "Appearing Pole Bags" are available in a variety of colors. In addition to being much tougher than a normal bag, they have a small hole to keep the pole or straw in position while producing it.

Available in red, black, white, or brown.

"Appearing Pole Production Bags" only. "Appearing Pole" and "Appearing Straw" are sold separately.

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Customer reviews for Appearing Pole Bag



Good to use for sure if it was half the price.


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