Gimmicked Cards for 'Aces/Wild' and 'More Wild'
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Since we released 'Aces/Wild ' and 'More Wild', a number of people have got in touch to ask if we stock the gimmicked cards that are necessary for some of the routines. Well, we listened to you and now we do!
You will receive all of the gimmicked cards required to perform every routine in 'Aces/Wild' and 'More Wild' plus a four of a kind, each card with a different colored back (values may vary):
As a bonus, we have included a blank faced card which allows you to do an alternate ending to Aces Again. We have been playing with this and found that instead of showing a Blue/Black double backed card at the end, a blank card seems even more impossible. If you want to stick with Peter's original ending, we've got you covered. There is a black backed card included which you can stick to the face of the blank card. If you affix them with rubber cement, you can detach and reattach the cards at any time and use both endings.
NOTE: All of these cards are readily available and you may have some of them lying about but we wanted to save you having to to buy decks that you only need one card from. If you want to check whether you already have the correct gimmicks or not, or if you have any questions, feel free contact us at any time.
These are well worth it. If you were to purchase the decks required to get these cards, it would be a little pricey so grab them here. Easy and cheap.The blank card ending is really cool. Thanks for the idea guys!
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Larry asks: Do you get the instructions on doing the tricks or just the gimmick cards
Doug asks: do you plan on gettting any gimmick cards for....aces wild and more wild?
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