Quantum HD

Trick by Magic Encarta
19.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Quantum HD

19.95 usd

Trick by Magic Encarta (19.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Over a year in the making, the Quantum HDs have now been produced to the highest standards. Whether you decide to use them for magic or for practicing flourishes or moves, these distinctively coloured plastic blocks will add another tool to your box.

From the creator: "It's not just a great looking item, but it's like the Batman's utility device which can do a lot of things and also a conversation starter for your next show all bundled together in a cool white side tuck (the toughest tuck case ever created) stating "Impossible is Nothing" to inspire you every time you pick these to practice and perform. Only 2500 of these bad boys in existence."

Each package comes with 5 Lucite plates for a multitude of effects, cardistry, training and awesomeness. Pick up yours today.


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