Senor Mardo Egg-Bag - Martin Lewis - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Senor Mardo Egg-Bag

Trick by Martin Lewis
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Senor Mardo Egg-Bag

50.00 usd

Trick by Martin Lewis (From $39.95)

In stock - very few available.

Rather than us doing the explaining here, we thought we'd leave it to the creator himself, Martin Lewis.

"Nowadays it seems that the egg bag of choice is the Malini Style. I offer my variation of the Senor Mardo bag in my lecture as an alternative. My reasons for preferring this style bag are threefold. It is easier to handle, the (you know what) is invisible even upon direct inspection, and far more effects are possible, as well as some novel moves. I also prefer the brighter coloring. Our Expert seamstress makes these bags and I believe them to be the most practical and deceptive egg bag available."

Available in Black or Blue. Dimensions: 8" x 9"


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Community questions about Senor Mardo Egg-Bag

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  • Steve asks: Does Martin Lewis Senor Mardo Egg Bag come with a DVD?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does not. It comes with written instructions.
  • Barry asks: Is the inside of the bag black?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is the same as the outside.
  • Neal asks: Does the egg bag come with an egg?

    • 1. Alexander answers: Nope.
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  • Andrew asks: You have two Senor Mardo Egg-Bags by Martin Lewis. One is $10 more than the other. What's the difference between the two bags? Thanks.

    • 1. Russel answers: I was also wondering what the difference between the bags was.
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