Universal Display System

Trick by Jon Allen
94.95 In stock.
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Universal Display System

94.95 usd

Trick by Jon Allen (94.95)

In stock.
Universal Display System - magic
Universal Display System Universal Display System Universal Display System Universal Display System Universal Display System Universal Display System

Jon Allen has created an elegant solution for ensuring your props are always visible to your audience.

"The Universal Display System" by Jon Allen is a modular stand that creates multiple displays and holders for your performances. You can create a single stand or even two stands to display multiple items.

In total, there a 16 different ways you can build the "Universal Display System" based on your unique needs. Using. All of them elevate your items from your working surface, making them more visible for the audience.

Whether you are using a deck of cards, envelopes, fruit, Rubik's Cubes, boxes, a glass or any other item, there is no more stylish way to isolate and display your props. The "Universal Display System" is the easiest way to add a professional touch to any performance.


Customer reviews for Universal Display System



Simply genius! I'm sure I'm not the only person who has a ton of stands and displays for the various effects I've performed over the years. This just makes life easier. It's one of those things when you get it, and I can't recommend enough that you do, you'll wonder why no one has come up with this before. Yeah, it's not cheap for what it is physically, but as ideas go it's worth every single penny.


Community questions about Universal Display System

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  • Chaim asks: How many different items can you display at once?

    • 1. Diego Ruben Cesar answers: Por lo que se puede apreciar, se puede exponer hasta 3 cosas: un naipe/cubo/limon en la base triangular apoyado sobre tapete, un mazo de naipes dentro de su contenedor apoyado sobre tapete y, una tercera opción, armando con la base cuadrada y redonda una columna y presentar algo elevado. Qudaría sobrando un sostén cilíndrico (el pequeño o grande) Estas son mis apreciaciones luego de darle vueltas muchas veces al trailer de accesorios. Quizas, hubiera estado bueno que incluyera un vaso, similar al desarrollado por Joshua Jay ó un mini tapete para colocar sobre los sostenes.. Siento que el empaque es demasiado ostentoso y se podría haber usado ese costo en más accesorios, pero bueno, es lo que hay :)
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