Working Hands Hand Cream - Vanishing Inc. - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Working Hands Hand Cream

Accessory by Vanishing Inc.
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Working Hands Hand Cream

9.95 usd

Accessory by Vanishing Inc. (9.95)

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The secret weapon of countless professional magicians is now available at Vanishing Inc.!

We get a lot of questions. But, one that comes up more frequently than any is: “What’s the best way to get rid of dry, cracked hands?”.

Not being able to properly grip cards or coins can make even the most basic sleight of hand a nightmare. Thankfully, there is a fairly simple solution to this problem. Our entire staff of magicians has sworn by “O’Keefe’s Working Hand Cream” for years. And now, instead of having to trek out to the drug store to grab a jar, you can add it directly to your next Vanishing Inc. order!

This stuff is the real deal! It is a concentrated hand cream that not only moisturizes your hands but also adds a protective layer on the skin’s surface to prevent future cracking—all without leaving any oily residue like other creams.

By simply applying this after washing (and drying) your hands and before you go to bed at night, you can start seeing results in just a few days. You’ll gain the tactile grip and feel needed for all your favorite magic tricks, even in the driest climates.

Grab a jar of “O’Keefe’s Working Hand Cream” now and make dry, cracked hands a thing of the past!

3.4oz jar


Customer reviews for Working Hands Hand Cream



I've only used it for a day or two, so I can't comment on it's ability to RESTORE my hands in any way.

I do know that it rubs in easily and (most importantly) has ZERO ODOR. I hate smelling like lotion.

It does appear to improve my grip on cards, as normally I can't do a one-handed top palm with just my hands. I HAVE to put on something. So this product works at least as well as my other lotions.

It does appear (although not tested empirically) that it last slightly longer than my normal lotion.

So in my book:
1. it's as good as anything I have already
2. it has NO ODOR.
3. appears to last longer.

I'm very happy.



This cream has changed the way i practice and perform !! Not only does it make my hands perfect for handling cards and objects but it really helped my skin to be healthier ok the long term .
I have used it since I have been advised to so and even saw « Jason England Â» talking about this product in his projet « Foundations Â»

I understand why some people complain about the « stickiness Â» that might occur .
However , this is due to the use of an excess of the cream . You should not consider this product to be applied as much as you would use a regular hand cream .
Little tip: start by taking a small amount and rub it on the palm of your hand , from there take the excess and distribute it along your fingers .

I would recommend this product for its benefits on short term and even better on the long term .
Not only to be applied before practice but in the morning and before going to sleep .



If youre wanting a better grip on cards I would suggest Chamberlain Golden Touch Lotion
You dont need much. Use the working hands cream for after work



Is is ok for a moisturizing cream but does absolutely nothing to help me grip the cards and coins better. Is there a cream out there that helps with GRIPPING the cards and coins better??


Community questions about Working Hands Hand Cream

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Matthew asks: I have incredibly dry hands and this is really useful. However, is there any way to prevent it clagging up your deck of cards? After one or two uses my cards are completely covered in the stuff, no matter how well I rub it in.

    • 1. Rod answers: I've been using this product for almost 20 years and it's fantastic. I don't have any problem with it damaging the cards. I use a very small amount, just enough to cover one finger tip, and then only apply it to the other fingertips. I'm guessing that you may be using too much. Try cutting way back and see how that works. Using such a small amount may require you to re-apply it after an hour or so of close-up, but that's a small price to pay.
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  • Andrew asks: I only put a bit on like advised and still find there is a little residue on them after i have rubbed it in well. Not great is there anything im doing wrong.

    • 1. Jørund answers: Try drying of your hands before using cards, or washing with plain water. Use this product after every wash you do during the rest of the day. I've nevertried using it with cards, just maintainance.
    • 2. Dottore answers: I would suggest using less.
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  • Andrew asks: I only put a bit on like advised and still find there is a little residue on them after i have rubbed it in well. Not great is there anything im doing wrong.

    • 1. Ruben answers: Yes, asking the same question two times :)
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  • Jeffrey asks: Advise rather than a question. This is not a product you apply just before handling your cards or coins. Rather, it is a maintenance product. Use it after washing hands (in a very small amount as per directions on label) and at night before bed (I use a little more overnight). This is a product to repair cracked dry skin, a moisturizer, not a “grip cream”.

    • 1. Jimmy answers: I've been using Working Hands for about eight years. I use it for maintenance, but I always apply it before I handle cards as well. I use a small amount, and then give it about 10 minutes to dry. Your hands should feel dry, but if they feel greasy wipe off the excess. This should give you the enhanced grip your looking for, without ruining the cards.
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