Fred Kaps' Purse by Unknown
Reviewed by Jamy Ian Swiss (originally published in Genii March, 2005)
This is a close-up coin routine which, as with the previously discussed manuscript, Fred
Kaps described and illustrated but never released in his lifetime, and which Anthony
Brahams has now typeset, lightly edited and published. In this routine, the performer
produces an English penny from an empty purse frame (sans bag, a la Slydini,
Goshman, Roth, et al). The coin vanishes and appears several times, after which a
Chinese coin is produced from the purse frame. The penny is apparently returned to the
purse frame, and then a transposition takes place: the Chinese coin appears in place of
the penny, and the Chinese coin is reproduced from the purse frame. To conclude, the
two coins are returned to the purse frame, vanishing in the process.
This is a pretty routine with a satisfying sense of logic, and from beginning to end a lot
of magic takes place. Make no mistake, however: none of this is easy. Fred Kaps'
technical abilities were substantial, and this is a technically demanding routine. As with
most sleight of hand with coins, it would be one thing to plod through these sleights
with a minimum of elegance, and quite another task to achieve an effortless and
convincing sense of magic. As well, there are portions of the routine which will require
the student's familiarity with common coin technique, such as Slydini's transposition
sequence at the elbows, from his landmark One Coin Routine. That sequence is referred
to in this manuscript, but while not absolutely required it is also barely described, and
the mention will be of use only to those who have already mastered the sequence from
other sources.
This manuscript is also interesting in that several additional sleights are described,
including a "drop vanish" into the purse frame, a concealment based on the classic palm,
and a palm-to-palm switch, all attributed to Mr. Kaps. The concealment strategy and the
switch raise some interesting questions for students of the historical credit record.
(WARNING: historical digression ahead.) The palm-to-palm coin switch is based upon a
gambler's dice move (known in some circles as the "buttercup" switch) and was, to the
best of my knowledge, adapted by Earl "Presto" Johnson, a locally well-known and
highly regarded New York magician and coin worker. As far back as the late 1960s,
Presto showed this move widely around the New York area. This was eventually credited
to him in a little known entry in the now defunct Hocus Pocus magazine, although the
move saw wide release in Coinmagic (Kaufman, 1981), and again in David Roth's Expert
Coin Magic (Kaufman, 1985). The 1981 description was identical to Mr. Johnson's
handling, but his name is only first mentioned in the 1985 description of Mr. Roth's
variant technique. Mr. Johnson's sleight has become a staple of modern coin work, and
he deserves lasting credit and appreciation for the move he called the "One-Hand Palm
Switch." That it evolved from a distant dice technique does nothing to dilute the
importance of this claim, as the technique must be entirely re-engineered for use with
coins. Fred Kaps also used a version of this move, although as with Mr. Roth's variant,
the exact path of the coin's movement was slightly different in the Kaps handling. In the
text Mr. Kaps explains that he was inspired by a very different sleight which
accomplished similar ends which he saw Doctor Sawa utilize in 1972, after which Mr.
Kaps devised a technique on his own. He recounts in this manuscript that subsequently
he learned of the similar move in use by Scotty York and David Roth, and we know that
Mr. Johnson was the source of inspiration on this side of the Atlantic (and in fact taught
the move to Mr. York during an encounter in Washington, D.C.). And so another piece
of the puzzle slips neatly into place.
The concealment is also of technical and historical interest. Referred to as the "Hiding
Principle" by Mr. Kaps, it is a manner of concealing a coin in deep classic palm and then,
while displaying some other object at the fingertips such as another coin or a purse
frame, the audience can apparently view the inside or palm side of the hand without
revealing the concealed coin. Accompanied by a clear photograph, it is an interesting use
of the classic palm that I do not recall having seen described elsewhere. However, some
fifteen years ago or more Richard Kaufman began referring to a use of the classic palm
as "The Kaps Subtlety" in which the audience viewed a portion of the inside of the fingers while a coin in deep classic palm was obscured by the back of the same hand. In
the 1980s I pointed out to several people that this type of concealment should more
correctly be referred to as the "Malini Subtlety," as it is clearly diagrammed in Dai
Vernon's Malini and his Magic (Ganson, 1976). At the time, Mr. Kaufman saw fit to
correct the public record of his error (in this magazine, in fact), however he attributed
the correction to an innocent bystander other than myself. What is interesting is that
while the Malini attribution has now become widely recognized for what was actually
being referred to in these matters, it would appear from this manuscript that there was
indeed a slightly different type of concealment in use by Mr. Kaps that might rightly be
called the "Kaps Hiding Principle," but that differs from the Malini technique. Another
piece of the puzzle slips, uh, untidily into place.
Historical intrigue aside, this is a good piece of coin magic for the advanced worker, if a
bit pricey for a single routine. I eagerly look forward to more Fred Kaps material from
Mr. Brahams.