A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation

Book by David Haversat
99.95 In stock.
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A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation

99.95 usd

Book by David Haversat (99.95)

In stock.

The ultimate book on levitation and its storied history.

You'll love flipping through this stunning, premium, 340-page, coffee-table-sized book. It's bursting with rare photographs, illustrations and schematics. This includes the Kellar-Houdini Levitation correspondence along with full-color images of posters, drawings and historical information pertaining to levitation and suspension of the human body.

There were only 350 of these second edition soft covers ever printed. So, add A Visual History of Theatrical Levitation to your library while it's still available.


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  • John asks: Is it hard bound or paperback?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a 430 page soft-cover.
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