Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5)

By Robert Neal
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Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5)

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Book or download by Robert Neal (Book $25.00 or download for $18.75)

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Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5) - magic
Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5) Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5) Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5) Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5) Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5)

The Trickster Spirit by Robert Neale. This volume is a challenging adventure about magic and death. At turns humorous and deeply insightful, Neale asks us to reconsider the magician's role in the world. Robert Neale is one of magic's most esteemed authors, and this is, we believe, one of his most ambitious collections to date.

Astonishing Essays is our most ambitious publishing project to date. It's a TEN-VOLUME collection of small, attractive books that will make you a better magician. The concept is simple: we pair the very finest intellects in magic with a topic they're passionate about. Each collection can be read in one sitting; it's meatier than an article but shorter than a full book. Think of it as "novella" size. Brew yourself a cup of coffee, get comfortable in your favorite chair, and open Astonishing Essays to be transported to a new world. These books will challenge the way you think about your magic and expand your horizons.

Softcover. 97 pages.

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Customer reviews for Astonishing Essays - Robert E. Neale (Volume 5)



Having bought the full set I've tried reading these in order but honestly wouldn't have minded skipping this one. So far this unfortunately has to be my least favourite in the series. Though it's written well it tends to be obscure and is one of those essays that would put you to sleep if reading late at night

VI Monthly


I didn't want to completely shred this volume in the series, but I could only endure about 30 pages of repetitive and boring material. Weakest link so far in the series. Wish I had not purchased it.


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