Before I Forget - Harry Lorayne - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Before I Forget

Book by Harry Lorayne
46.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Before I Forget

46.95 usd

Book by Harry Lorayne (46.95)

Possibly discontinued.
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Harry Lorayne's autobiography. 94 chapters and many photos tell how a terribly shy poor kid born and raised on the mean streets, the ghetto, of New York City's Lower East Side became "The World's Foremost Memory-training Specialist" and the man that Time called "The Yoda of Memory Training."

Learn about the man behind the legend, how "stomach cramps" started it all, about his fierce animal instinct for survival and about the "image, the bluster, the brilliance," the showmanship.

Learn about the "pivot points" that arranged/changed Harry's life, how typhoid fever was a good thing. Learn how magic saved his life - and how a card trick almost got him killed.

Prepare for some very interesting reading about an interesting life...plenty of laughs, and perhaps a tear or two. Meet some famous people and see them through Harry's eyes.


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