Casino Game Protection - Steve Forte - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Casino Game Protection

Book by Steve Forte
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Casino Game Protection

200.00 usd

Book by Steve Forte (200.00)

Possibly discontinued.
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"The consensus is in, gaming experts from around the world have hailed Casino Game Protection - A Comprehensive Guide to be truly one-of-a-kind, the finest, most in-depth study on casino game protection ever revealed...a jackpot, with the reader the winner!"

Preface from the book:

The following work is the culmination of 30 years of research into the arena of casino cheating, advantage play, electronic player assistance, and you name it. If a concept was designed, worked out, played, or dreamed of, and had anything to do with beating the casino - legal or otherwise - I've probably been there. Or close to it.

After many years of working in the industry, then as a professional gambler, and later as a casino consultant, you will, hopefully, find my perspective unique as the information to follow comes from both sides of the table.

Every effort was made to compile a comprehensive guide, and present the game protection topic with scope and objectivity. The scams and strategies presented run the gamut from old to new, from rank to sophisticated. Everything from marked cards and coolers to advantage play and electronic assistance is dicussed in detail. I've especially tried to address those million-dollar questions that come up over and over again, the questions that rarely get answered throughout an entire career. Is it possible to control the dice? What's best way to shuffle and why? Do roulette dealers have signatures to their spin?

This work is not an encyclopedia or scams and strategies, nor is it intended to be. With certain techniques, such as false shuffles and card mucks, there are literally hundreds of variations. Describing them all doesn't serve a useful purpose. In each area, I've tried to select a variety of moves that best illustrate that spectrum of technique. The same can be said of the Card Counting and Blackjack Advantage Play chapters. There is some unavoidable rehash, a genuine effort to give credit where credit is due, and I will try to point you in the direction of quality information for further study. Despite these concessions, the book will stand on its own merit. It's a comprehensive guide.

There is also a fair amount of historical information presented, and for many gamers there's a perceived antiquity with many of the older moves and scams. Don't fall into this trap, and don't underestimate the importance of a little history, as it will provide you with a deeper understanding of how scams, strategies, and procedures have evolved. This, in turn, may provide some sense of what to expect in the future. There is a time and place for every scam presented in this research.

There are many important game protection topics that don't fit neatly into any of the specific game chapters. In the first chapter these topics are presented to set the tone and lay the groundwork for the detailed game information to follow.

After the games are covered, along with chapters dealing exclusively with card counting and advantage play (with a focus on shuffle tracking), we'll look at many universal scams, especially marked cards. We'll complete the work with a final chapter on the art of detection and related topics. You'll also find a detailed bibliography of sources and recommendations-all the information you'll need to continue your research.

The book was compiled sequentially, so each chapter should be read in order, yet studied as part of complete work. When you come across words and terminology from the cheater's or player's vernacular, definition are available in the glossary at the end of the book.

The book has been written from all capacities and levels of experience. If you are new to gaming herein lies an opportunity for you to separate fact from fiction, and to expand your game protection, this book will hopefully prove to be a helpful reference tool.

With hundreds of photos, stories, and sometimes colorful language, I hope you find the text both interesting to read and easy to understand.

When all is said and done, the primary goal of this work is to stimulate your interest and thinking about this very important industry topic.

The opinions expressed in this book are my own, I alone carry the responsibility.

- Steve Forte

Sample Book Chapters

  • Getting Started - Elements of a Scam
  • Blackjack
  • Card Counting
  • Advantage Play
  • Craps
  • Roulette
  • Baccarat
  • Asian Games/ Novelty Games
  • Poker
  • Universal Scams
  • Detection

"Casino Game Protection is a landmark achievement and undoubtedly the most authoritative and definitive guide of its kind ever written...guaranteed to become an industry bestseller."
-Ron Sheppard, Chairman, Grand Casinos Europa

"There has never been a more passionate, knowledgeable student of the game protection field. Steve deals with the topic like never before. Expect hard-hitting accuracy, detail, thoroughness, perspective, and more genuine knowledge of game protection than ever presented."
-Gary Saul, Legendary Casino Expert

"Steve's knowledge and expert opinions on casino game protection have always been the industry standard. This comprehensive guide will fast become the bible on the subject, and belongs in the possession of everyone working in casino management and surveillance."
-Vic Taucer, President, Casino Creations

"I can't think of anymore more uniquely qualified to write a treatise on casino game protection in this intelligent and insightful work, Steve describes all major scams and methodologies, debunks many industry myths and misinformation regarding the protection of casino games, and presents an amazing historical overview of casino game protection that spans many decades. A must read for law enforcement, surveillance, and casino operations personnel. The book will become a cornerstone in the continuing legacy of Steve Forte."
-George Joseph, President, Worldwide Casino Consulting

Pages 627 - Hardbound


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