Epilogue Deluxe - Karl Fulves - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Epilogue Deluxe

Book by Karl Fulves
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Epilogue Deluxe

200.00 usd

Book by Karl Fulves (200.00)

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Perhaps Karl Fulves' most acclaimed and adventurous bound collection, this EXTREMELY rare deluxe edition anthologizes the complete set of Epilogue Magazine. In total all 24 issues plus 5 special issues are included here. The classic routines and sleights that appeared first in Epilogue are too numerous to mention. But the material inside comes from such luminaries as Dai Vernon, Ed Marlo, Roy Walton, Bruce Cervon, and Martin Gardner.

Out of print for nearly 20 years and rare even in its own time, this was where the true underground looked for its cutting edge material. It's more than just a great collection of tricks, Epilogue is an essential volume for research and historical purposes. Much of the magic you know and love started in these pages, and there are SO many wonderful secrets that have been ignored since they were first printed. Will you be the one to uncover them again? This book will NEVER be reprinted.

Hardbound, 312 pages. Illustrated by Joseph K. Schmidt


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