In Cloud Cuckoo Land

Book by Lord Harri and Pocket Miracles
63.00 In stock.
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In Cloud Cuckoo Land

63.00 usd

Book by Lord Harri and Pocket Miracles (63.00)

In stock.

40 unique tricks for everything from close-up to stage. Embark on a magical journey with Lord Harri's book In Cloud Cuckoo Land.

This material dives into the playful side of magic, breaks the mold of the cliché magician, and offers opportunities to connect with your audiences.

All of the tricks in this book have been meticulously tested and perfected. They either currently are, or have once been, part of Harri's working set. There are also special tricks and insights from top UK magicians James Keatley, Myles Thornton, Mad Mark, Sam Sugarman, Joel Anthony, and Sirus.

Reasons you'll love In Cloud Cuckoo Land by Lord Harri:

  • 40 original tricks that will captivate and amaze audiences
  • Material for all skill levels from beginners to working pros
  • Enhanced learning via QR codes that link to additional online instruction
  • Beautiful illustrations pair with the easy-to-read instructions

Limitied copies were printed. Get yours before they're gone.


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