Packs a Wallop book - Harry Lorayne - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Packs a Wallop book

Book by Harry Lorayne
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Packs a Wallop book

29.95 usd

Book by Harry Lorayne (29.95)

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Doug Edwards Packs A Wallop will enable you to "pack a wallop" in front of any kind of audience. There are 204 "wallop-packed" pages, 37 effects and routines - one Coca Cola bottle item, one scissor/rope item, one incredible bill change, and 34 doable, usable, reputation-making card items - separated into four sections for your learning convenience. Plus over 175 illustrations. And, the coup de grace - it's written in the enthusiastic, entertaining, right-to-the-point teaching style by the best writer/teacher in magic - Harry Lorayne. What more can you ask?! Hardbound, full-color dust jacket.


Customer reviews for Packs a Wallop book



Since its not a big book its very well packed with good material. Mostly card material but there is a coca cola trick and rope trick. I love the first trick Packs a wallop which is also a title of the book. Its a really simple card trick using the box very simple in method but very strong. This alone was worth the price of the whole book for me, but there is a lot of moves and techniques which are really good. Its a good book, more than worth the price.


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