Magic Books - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop (page 21)

Magic Books - page 21

Best of Belcher Book
Best of Belcher
Book by Len Belcher - 29.95

If you are looking for strong stand-up effects perfect for family audiences, you are in luck! Best of Belcher is packed with material for...

Fingertip Fantasies Book
Fingertip Fantasies
Book by Bob Ostin - 24.95

If you've been looking for incredible close-up material and interesting plots, look no further than Bob Ostin's Fingertip Fantasies! This is real...

Varied Deceptions Book
Varied Deceptions
Book by Milbourne Christopher - 19.95

Get ready for more magic than you can handle with this comprehensive text. Varied Deceptions is bursting at the seams with all kinds of magic, so...

At the Drop of a Match Book
At the Drop of a Match
Book by Ken de Courcy - 5.00

If you enjoy doing magic with matches, pick up a copy of At the Drop of a Match. You will learn match-related magic as well a number of puzzles...

Excellence in Family Magic Book
Excellence in Family Magic
Book by Scott Green - 40.00

Struggling to come up with engaging magic for all ages? Worried that your family show bores adults? Tired of seeing grownups in the crowd more...

The Blood Feast of the Sun Book
The Blood Feast of the Sun
Book by Ken de Courcy - 9.95

Looking for a unique show of your mental powers? How about lighting an unprepared piece of paper on fire?  The Blood Feast of the Sun...

Mnemodexterity Book
Book by L. De Bevere - 9.95

We know you need some more mem deck effects, so we bring you Mnemodexterity by L. De Bevere. This manuscript is hard to find, but...

V2 Book
Book by Manos Kartsakis - 36.00

Haven't heard of Manos Kartsakis? That's OK, because you soon will as he's one of the top underground creators in Europe. Here he gets ready to...

Sharp Sorcery Book
Sharp Sorcery
Book by Les Sharps - 19.95

Looking for some incredible stand-up material? Maybe a large variety so you can pick your favorite types? You are in luck with Sharp Sorcery. Les...

The Death Camp Magicians Book
The Death Camp Magicians
Book by William V. Rauscher and Werner Reich - 34.95

This book is a FASCINATING, HARROWING account of Werner Reich's true story of survival. Werner Reich is a friend to Vanishing Inc, and his book has...

Weston's Ways with Cards Book
Weston's Ways with Cards
Book by Mark Weston - 29.95

Do yourself a favor and pick up Weston's Ways with Cards. Not only will you get 37 worker routines, but you'll also find a dozen moves, controls...

An Invitation to Mystery Book
An Invitation to Mystery
Book by Ed Meredith - 19.95

Tony Griffith is truly gifted when it comes to routines and presentations. In An Invitation to Mystery, Tony shares some of his greatest effects...

Scalbert's Selected Secrets Book
Scalbert's Selected Secrets
Book by Geoffrey Scalbert - 29.95

In the sphere of Mental Magic Scalbert's name is legendary. Included in this book are a great number of baffling card mysteries, Thought/Mind...

Daemons, Darklings and Doppelgangers Book
Daemons, Darklings and Doppelgangers
Book by 'Doc' Tony Shiels - 34.95

This is one of those older, kooky books on presentation with a gothic type theme. It's rare and hard-to-find in the present market, so we're...

Going Pro (Softback) Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Going Pro (Softback)
Book by Andi Gladwin - 15.00

THE Book on How to Turn your Passion for Magic into Your Career Vanishing Inc. cofounder Andi Gladwin has done something many magicians...

Stars of Magic (Soft Cover) Book
Stars of Magic (Soft Cover)
Book by Meir Yedid - 35.00

If you have not read and learned the magic contained in this book, you are not yet a full-fledged, close-up magician. The magic by John Scarne,...

A New Angle Book
A New Angle
Book by Michael Feldman and Ryan Plunkett - 50.00

A New Angle is full of thoughtfully constructed routines that will not only entertain and fool, but will naturally inspire you with creative...

Proteus Book
Book by Phedon Bilek - 55.00

This book is highly unusual, and we were completely charmed. If you read below, you'll see a who's who of mentalists praising this unique work....

The Book of Luck: A Guide to Success, Fortune, Palmistry and Astrology Book
The Book of Luck: A Guide to Success, Fortune, Palmistry and Astrology
Book by Dover Publications - 8.95

This is a book that's mostly junk and mumbo jumbo, and here at Vanishing Inc. we don't espouse passing off palmistry as "real." However, the book is...

Threshold Book
Book by Gary Ouellet - 12.50

A breakthrough in the torn-and-restored signed card! A card is selected, signed by both spectator and magician, and the spectator himself tears off...

Temporarily Out of Order Book
Temporarily Out of Order
Book by Patrick Redford - 59.95

Temporarily Out of Order is focused on memorized deck magic and stack work. It reintroduces The Redford Stack to the world and explores its many...

Mentalized Book
Book by Dennis Hermanzo - 60.00

If you are a mentalist who loves fancy gimmicks - new groundbreaking principles or sleights - this book is not for you! But, if you want a book...

The Coin Connection Book
The Coin Connection
Book by Eric DeCamps - 12.50

A thrilling debut to the second volume of the Masters of Magic series. New York's Eric DeCamps releases one of his most prized routines, a beautiful...

Magic with a Copper/Silver Coin Book
Magic with a Copper/Silver Coin
Book by Jerry Mentzer - 15.00

If you have ever wanted to learn magic with a copper/silver coin, this is the resource. There is SO much possible with this simple gimmick, and...

Routines Matter Book
Routines Matter
Book by T Lewis and P. Willmarth - 50.00

This amazing book presents 40 stand-up and close-up routines as used By Trevor in his adult club and close-up performances. Also includes a...

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Top Selling Magic Books

Allan Ackerman: All In
30 years in the making, the best material from a card magic...
Neon Dreams
For the first time, the captivating story of how Las Vegas became the magic capital of...
Topping the Deck: The Perfect Move
A comprehensive exploration of one of...
Talk About Tricks: The Complete File
12 years. 144 columns. 868 tricks. For...
The Boy Who Cried Magic
"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a perfect magic book,...
Distilled (Ryan Plunkett)
Ryan Plunkett's Distilled is a handsome, 200-page volume of...
The Darkest Corners
A complete sellout at Magifest, The Session and Blackpool,...
Parlour Tricks
“Morgan and West are that rare thing, utterly unique, enormously entertaining and...
Magic Mail
Magic Mail is the perfect gift for a young person in your life, whether or not they have...
Singapore's Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities....
Pure Imagination (Book)
Scott Robinson creates some of the most interesting visual...
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