Magic Books - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop (page 24)

Magic Books - page 24

Mystique Book
Book by Richard Osterlind - 50.00

This exciting new book features 17 chapters full of new material, classics, and profound ideas including: You'll find six brand new,...

New Modern Coin Magic Book
New Modern Coin Magic
Book by Bobo - 50.00

The World's Most Complete Text Book of Coin Conjuring in its 14th printing! Bobo's Modern Coin Magic brings a new form of...

My Best Self-Working Card Tricks Book
My Best Self-Working Card Tricks
Book by Karl Fulves - 9.95

In this outstanding new collection, an expert presents step-by-step, foolproof instructions for 65 of his most impressive card tricks, guaranteed...

Self Working Mental Magic Book
Self Working Mental Magic
Book by Karl Fulves - 10.95

Karl Fulves, one of the most renowned modern writers in the field of magic, presents here 67 new and foolproof tricks-spectacular mental feats...

Practical Mental Magic Book
Practical Mental Magic
Book by Theodore Annemann - 19.95

Mind reading, thought transmission, prophecy, miracle slate routines and other "psychic" effects are among the most impressive tricks in any...

Self Working Card Tricks Book
Self Working Card Tricks
Book by Karl Fulves - 8.95

72 Foolproof Card Miracles for the Amateur Magician What is a self-working card trick? A trick that does not depend upon legerdermain or...

The Professional Mentalist's Field Manual Book
The Professional Mentalist's Field Manual
Book by Richard Osterlind - 35.00

The Professional Mentalist's Field Manual is Richard's no-nonsense guide to the world of professional mentalism. This book is unlike...

The Topit Book 2.0 Book
The Topit Book 2.0
Book by Michael Ammar - 50.00

Being able to make almost anything disappear, probably more than anything else, makes me feel like a magician. With the Topit I can amaze a person...

Mayhew (What Women Want) Book
Mayhew (What Women Want)
Book by Steve Mayhew - 40.00

What do you get when you mix unrestrained astonishment, remorseless deception, and a whacked-out sense of humor? A. Richard Nixon B. Steve...

Japan Ingenious Book
Japan Ingenious
Book by Richard Kaufman and Steve Cohen - 70.00

For many years, Richard Kaufman has been a conduit, bringing amazing Japanese magic to English speaking magicians. His tricks in Genii and books Five...

Confident Deceptions Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Confident Deceptions
Book by Jason Ladanye - $60.00 or download for $45.00

A star protégé of Darwin Ortiz, Jason Ladanye cements his own place as a card magic master by sharing some of his most powerful card magic routines....

Magic Atlas Book
Magic Atlas
Book by Joshua Jay - 35.00

When Joshua Jay first came onto the scene, he wrote and published this book. The layout is corny, and he didn't have the writing experience he has...

Gary Kurtz: Unexplainable Acts Book
Gary Kurtz: Unexplainable Acts
Book by Richard Kaufman and Gary Kurtz - 40.00

Unexplainable Acts by Richard Kaufman is something of a cult classic and it is finally back in print! The elusive Gary Kurtz is known as one of...

CardMagic Book
Book by Richard Kaufman - 50.00

Lying in a dark undisturbed drawer for decades lay Harry Houdini's copy of The Discoverie of Witchcraft, a book written by Reginald Scot in 1584....

Expert At The Card Table Book
Expert At The Card Table
Book by S.W. Erdnase - 12.95

For almost a century, this book has been considered indispensable to attaining the highest level of card mastery. In it, S.W. Erdnase, a supreme...

The Art of Switching Decks Book
The Art of Switching Decks
Book by Roberto Giobbi - 55.00

The strongest card tricks most often depend on a stack or special deck. Unfortunately, if you start with a gaffed deck, as soon as you have...

The Trick That Cannot Be Explained Trick
The Trick That Cannot Be Explained
Trick by Roberto Giobbi - 25.00

The performer shows an envelope he says contains a prediction. This envelope is left on the table the ENTIRE time. The spectator shuffles and...

Dunninger Knows Book
Dunninger Knows
Book by Joseph Atmore - 70.00

"This book is the result of years of passionate research, giving us an insight into the life and career of Dunninger. Most of these anecdotes...

Magic Of Ascanio - Studies Of Card Magic Book
Magic Of Ascanio - Studies Of Card Magic
Book by Arturo de Ascanio - 65.00

The Magic of Ascanio offers you, in four volumes, the complete work of the Maestro who changed the direction of magic in Spain and influenced...

Magic of Ascanio - More Studies of Card Magic Book
Magic of Ascanio - More Studies of Card Magic
Book by Arturo de Ascanio - 75.00

Arturo de Ascanio y Navaz (1926-1997), is regarded as the father of Spanish card magic. A lawyer by trade and an amateur magician, he devoted a...

Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness Book
Magic of Ascanio Book - Knives and Color Blindness
Book by Arturo de Ascanio - 50.00

Arturo de Ascanio y Navaz (1926-1997), is regarded as the father of Spanish card magic. A lawyer by trade and an amateur magician, he devoted a...

Cardwarp Tour Book
Cardwarp Tour
Book by Jeff Pierce - 45.00

Jeff Pierce's Cardwarp Tour is the book on Card Warp. It includes: The original Cardwarp routine created by Roy Walton. An...

Making the Cut Book
Making the Cut
Book by Ryan Schlutz - 45.00

Ryan Schlutz is an elegant and underrated performer from Orlando. Years ago he created The Pivotal Peek, one of the most diabolical and fresh...

Hold 'Em Magic Book
Vanishing Inc. exclusive Hold 'Em Magic
Book by Tom Frame - $45.00 or download for $33.75

Every magician, everywhere in the world, comes to the same realization: if you do card work you MUST know something about Texas Hold 'Em. Many...

A Book in English Book
A Book in English
Book by Woody Aragon - 49.95

Woody Aragón is an outstanding card magician, technical expert, and entertaining performer from Toledo, Spain. As a writer, lecturer, teacher, and...

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Top Selling Magic Books

Allan Ackerman: All In
30 years in the making, the best material from a card magic...
Neon Dreams
For the first time, the captivating story of how Las Vegas became the magic capital of...
Topping the Deck: The Perfect Move
A comprehensive exploration of one of...
Talk About Tricks: The Complete File
12 years. 144 columns. 868 tricks. For...
The Boy Who Cried Magic
"The Boy Who Cried Magic is a perfect magic book,...
Distilled (Ryan Plunkett)
Ryan Plunkett's Distilled is a handsome, 200-page volume of...
The Darkest Corners
A complete sellout at Magifest, The Session and Blackpool,...
Parlour Tricks
“Morgan and West are that rare thing, utterly unique, enormously entertaining and...
Magic Mail
Magic Mail is the perfect gift for a young person in your life, whether or not they have...
Singapore's Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities....
Pure Imagination (Book)
Scott Robinson creates some of the most interesting visual...
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