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Book by Markobi
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Book by Markobi (119.95)

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Get a first class ticket into the captivating mind of FISM World Champion Markobi.

"Wow, just Wow. This is not just a book on ridiculously amazing card magic. The biggest treat is learning how Markobi thinks. It is a road map to his thought process on thinking, creating, and breaking the norm. EVERYONE should read this book. I guarantee it will be a future classic.” Chris Kenner

Stairway is more than just another magic book. It’s a comprehensive look into the techniques, philosophy, and creative process of a FISM winner. Markobi provides practical advice for magicians of all levels, helping them refine their art and create unforgettable performances.

It does not matter if you like close-up or stage magic, or if you love card tricks or not. You don’t even need to have any desire to ever enter a magic competition. Stairway will help any magician, of any skill level, become a better performer.

The book is divided into chapters detailing the creation and perfectionism that led to an award-winning act. Markobi guides readers through his creative process, explores the challenges he faced and offers practical advice on overcoming obstacles and continually improving.

Markobi shares his techniques, tricks, and philosophy of magic. You’ll learn how cards and props are tools that can be used to evoke emotions and create profound connections with an audience. He’ll teach you how to transform every performance into a unique sensory and emotional experience, carefully orchestrated to astonish and move the audience.

Stairway also includes an exclusive peek behind the curtain of Markobi’s FISM act. Key techniques like MDL and subtle forcing are explained, showing how he uses psychological strategies to manipulate perception and how each sequence builds to a spectacular climax..

If you’ve ever wanted your magic to be unforgettable, you need to grab a copy of Stairway This is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical advice that will accompany aspiring magicians on their journey to greatness.

"Markobi is brilliant. All the psychological and technical virtuosity of the Tamariz school, but seeming like he just staggered, hilarious, out of a French surrealist movie." Teller

"When Markobi performed, I couldn't stop laughing. He has a wonderful "never mind attitude" where nothing disturbs him. I admire him completely.” Lennart Green

A Sneak Peek at Some Chapters from Stairway by Markobi

The Creative Process
In this first-hand exploration of Markobi’s creative process, you’ll discover the inherent value a notebook provides in capturing and organizing raw ideas. He teaches you how to fill a notebook without any restriction and then filter the notes down into tangible, innovative, and memorable pieces of magic.

Overlaying Dreams and Reality
One of the key themes of Stairway, and Markobi’s magic as a whole, is the concept of using dreams to inspire reality. He shares practical techniques for transferring ideas from dreams into creative performances, while also providing concrete proof for how this approach enhances overall creativity and motivation.

Analysis and Structure of Acts
This chapter offers a detailed method for effectively analyzing magical performances, both good and bad, and using the information to grow as an overall performer. Markobi shares how studying winning acts enabled him to identify common elements that contributed to their success. He then provides practical advice on incorporating these elements into your work, emphasizing originality and authenticity.

Tools and Points of Vigilance
Markobi delves into the technical and psychological aspects of preparing an act, including practicing in public, as well as managing ego, fears, and limits. He also stresses the importance of persevering in the face of challenges, offering practical exercises for overcoming obstacles and continually improving as a magician.

Competition Preparation
This chapter is dedicated to specific advice on competition preparation from both a mental and physical perspective. Markobi discusses the importance of rituals and gentle superstitions, while also sharing insights on stress management and the psychological parameters you must consider before a big performance or competition.

FISM Act Details
Destined to be the highlight of the book for many, this chapter goes behind the scenes of Markobi’s award-winning FISM act as he shares a detailed analysis of the routine. This includes a look at the theory behind each step, the structure of the performance, and even an analysis of the artistic and technical choices he made. This one-of-a-kind insight into the rigor and creativity required to create a world championship act highlights the core features of any successful act. It will benefit even those with no intention of ever competing with magic.

Stairway by Markobi is an introspective journey through the experiences, thoughts, and techniques that guided a perfectionist magician to become a World Champion. It is an invaluable source of inspiration and insight for magicians of any skill level. Get your copy today from Vanishing Inc.!


Customer reviews for Stairway



I am expecting people to be split in terms of their opinions on this book as it is not a typical magic book. My personal opinion is that it is an excellent and refreshing book. The first part does not have any tricks in it but rather en expose on Markobi's creative process. Nothing groundbbreakingly new here but still a fascinating read for me. The 2nd part is a very good explanation of his Fism act. A lot to learn here. I really like this book.



The book can be split into two parts. In the first part, Markobi (Mark Bittar) covers the creative journey from conception to the stage delivery ("inner odyssey", he calls it) . No stone is left unturned, as we are invited into a mind of a brilliant (and non-orthodox) magician. The tone of the writing shifts between a self-help book and a personal diary replete with mini confessions, personal advice and numerous reflections on preparing an award winning FISM act. Some of the statement come from a familiar territory of common sense to the point of banality, still fascinate in the context of the Markobi's magical style. The finale of the book is reserved for a detailed explanation of the FISM act (~130 pages), with a complete technical treatment, which is worth the price of admission. What surprised me was the level of awareness and keen intellect, which informed every choice and every minor detail. I loved this book and will reread it. Technical sleights, although, not many in quantity, gravitate toward complexity and will require a more careful study. Also, noteworthy, the book has 3 forewords, written by Lennart Green, Dani DaOrtiz and Jean-Jacques Sanvert.

VI Monthly


NOTE: This review is based on the first part of the book. I have not read the section on his FISM act! I had such high hopes for this book (specially considering the price), only to be totally and completely disappointed. More than a book on how to prepare for competition or anything related to the study and practice of magic or how to put a routine/act together, the book reads more like a self-help book and is very, very poor at that. The book is disjointed and lacking a clear, logical and progressive structure and most topics that he touches on are mentioned in passing and without providing any substantial evidence/studies to validate his opinion. The writing, at times, uses pretty advanced vocabulary while at the same time not really making sense. It feels like this was a book that was written in a different language first and then they used AI to translate it without bothering with revisions and edits. If you are looking for a book to help you improve your study of magic or how you approach effects and act construction this is not the book. You may get some value out of the FISM section, but for the first section, the price is just not justified or supported!


Community questions about Stairway

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • David asks: Is this a special first edition?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is the first edition.
  • Christian asks: Are these copies signed?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are not signed.
  • Bob asks: How many pages?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: About 265
  • Adrian asks: Nice ad video but neither did the video and description mention how many tricks are being taught other than the FISM/ Penn and Teller act. Other than the one trick, FSIM/ Penn and Teller act, how many tricks are being taught in the book as the descriptions seem like an experience and theory book?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The only "trick" that is taught is the breakdown of the FISM act. But there is a ton of other great information in the book on creating an act and the performance of magic.
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