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The Business Card Compendium

Book by Mark Strivings
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The Business Card Compendium

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Book by Mark Strivings (149.95)

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The Business Card Compendium - magic
The Business Card Compendium The Business Card Compendium The Business Card Compendium

35 years in the making, The Business Card Compendium is the most extensive and comprehensive exploration of the use of business cards in magic and mentalism ever published. Featuring more than 200 effects and techniques that allow you to magically get your business card in front of an audience, this is a must-read for any mystery performer.

Mark Strivings is well-known for his legendary "Sight Unseen Case"—which is largely considered to be the gold standard for gaffed business card cases. It was this product that sparked his interest in the general use of business cards in his performance. He quickly realized how valuable it is to have a natural way to leave your audience with a magical memento that makes it literally impossible to forget you.

"The book really is awesome. Doing something mind blowing that leaves your audience with your business card in a classy way, is an invaluable tool for the working performer. Mark has put together an amazing collection of Magic and Mentalism with business cards. I found two things that I will be immediately adding to my repertoire. You can't miss with this. Highly recommended." Nathan Kranzo

More than three decades later, he has finally finished the biggest, most involved and most complex project he has ever attempted. This thing is a beast! While there have been other books written about business cards, nothing comes even remotely close to the size and scope of The Business Card Compendium.

"This book is a must-have! I thought I knew a lot about business card magic, but even I learned some new stuff in just the first few pages. It's filled with valuable information. Get it now!" Dan Harlan

Mark shares 250 individual ideas in this massive 450-page book. This includes some of his all-time favorite routines, as well as contributions from an impressive list of guest contributors like Phil Goldstein (Max Maven), Dan Harlan, Barrie Richardson, Harry Lorayne, Tom Ogden and many others. There are also dozens of insights, updates, alternative handlings and much more from the author.

This beautifully-printed, perfect bound softcover book lies flat for easy reading. It's a true joy to learn from.

A look at some of the diverse topics in The Business Card Compendium by Mark Strivings:

  • Business Card Markings
  • Double Blank Business Cards
  • Just Cards (and Nothing Else)
  • Just Cards plus a Pencil
  • Obtaining Written Information
  • Mixing Double Blanks with Regular Cards
  • Business Card Magic (THIRTY ONE items in this section alone!)
  • Out To Lunch
  • Stacks of Cards
  • Secret Writing
  • Borrowed Business Cards
  • Business Card Backs
  • Novelties
  • Business Card Gaffs
  • Paddle Moves
  • Magical Printing
  • Business Cards combined with other Common Objects
  • Special Business Cards
  • Unique Business Cards
  • Forcing with Business Cards
  • Tearing Cards
  • Spooky Stuff
  • Ashes to Ashes (Astral Ashes)
  • Animations
  • Topological
  • PLUS a gargantuan bibliography containing 1200 business cards references!
  • And more!

Also included is a ton of information about getting your cards produced, the most efficient means of 'road testing' your new cards so that you can maximize the effectiveness of what you are trying to achieve, what cards to actually use, resources and so much more!

"As someone who has built his livelihood through the art of business card mentalism, I want to emphasize the absolute necessity of acquiring this remarkable book. Your journey will be enriched by the wisdom it holds." Paul Brook

"Well, I'm gobsmacked! I've just spent half an hour barely touching the surface of the BCC, and I cannot tell you how pleased I am that I no longer have to dig through Ernie Heldman's "Cards That Mean Business" when I'm looking for a "new" business card idea. Not that there's anything wrong with Ernie's book... But why dig through a "pamphlet" when you can dig through an encyclopedia to find something that will work for your specific need? Mark, you've done an incredible job compiling this and I'm thrilled to have it in my working library. Every working magician should be so lucky!
Thank you! Thanks again... you've created something truly remarkable!" Tom Ladshaw

450 Pages | Softcover | Perfect Bound


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