The Coin Connection - Eric DeCamps - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Coin Connection

Book by Eric DeCamps
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The Coin Connection

12.50 usd

Book by Eric DeCamps (12.50)

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A thrilling debut to the second volume of the Masters of Magic series. New York's Eric DeCamps releases one of his most prized routines, a beautiful blend of spellbinding and artistic coin handling!

The magician (hands obviously empty) introduces a small change purse, and dumps out 3 half dollars. The purse is closed and put aside. One by one, a coin is taken in hand, squeezed, and vanished, whereupon it reappears inside the change purse! The 3 coins then travel one by one from one hand to the other invisibly across the table-top! Finally, each coin is squeezed in the magicians' hand and changes into an English Penny! The 3 English Pennies are dropped into the coin purse, the purse is shaken, then opened, showing all 3 coins to have transformed back into half dollars! At the end, as in the beginning, the hands are completely clean! This sensational routine introduces Eric's new killer moves, THE STACK STEAL, THE RETENTION PICKUP, THE LEVERED PRODUCTION and more, plus detailed explanations of the BENZAIS FRICTION PALM (Johnny Benzais); RETENTION OF VISION VANISH (David Roth); THE "GONE" SELL (Fred Kaps); THE BLOWAWAY VANISH (Scotty York), and much, much more!

Frank Garcia said, "Eric's routines look like real magic - they are real magic!". If you do any coin magic, this trick is a must! 33 pages, written by Gary Ouellet, with 78 photographs.


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  • Roger asks: Does Eric De Camps have other books with coins?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: I'm not sure about books but you can find other products by Eric here:
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