The Ricky Jay Collection
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The Ricky Jay Collection is the first in a three-part series of catalogues from Potter & Potter chronicling the legendary magic collection of Ricky Jay.
Throughout his illustrious career, the legendary sleight of hand magician, author and actor curated an impressive collection of magic, circus, and showbiz ephemera. From the literature of cheating and conmen, to vibrant circus and sideshow posters, broadsides spanning the last four centuries, and memorabilia of magic shows of yesteryear, this catalog is a true celebration of curious characters and the rare relics that tell their stories.
Each object, from original Houdini memorabilia and Max Malini relics, to posters advertising ceiling-walking circus performers are illuminated with extensive and historically-revealing details and crystal-clear photographs in this gorgeous deluxe full-color hardcover book.
150 Pages | Deluxe Full-Color Hardcover | Smyth-Sewn | Introduction by Dr. Persi Diaconis
Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.
Jay asks: You seem to be implying that this is a proper magic book but it's not. This is an auction catalogue, Potter & Potter is an auction house. I find the wording you have used ("...the debut book in a three-part series...") to be a disingenuous money grab.
Jose asks: What is the relation between this book and "Exemplars from the Ricky Jay Collection", from The Conjuring Arts Research Center? Do they have the same content, or perhaps the same items presented differently?
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