The Solution - Atlas Brookings - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Solution

Book by Atlas Brookings
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The Solution

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Book by Atlas Brookings (39.95)

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At Vanishing Inc we advocate for the use of a truly memorized deck. It pays off to put in the time required to truly memorize a deck. However, if this is daunting to you, or you don't perform often, or if you "collect" knowledge on all things memdeck, this may prove interesting.

There are some pretty cool things that you can do with a memorized deck. The only trouble is that you have to memorize 52 cards in 52 positions. Not only can that prove challenging, but it is incredibly time consuming -- it requires constant work to move that information from your short term to your long-term memory.

Understandably, not many people make the effort.

But what if you could memorize the position of every card in a deck in a matter of minutes -- and then recall that deck order for the rest of your life? This ability adds a versatility to your card repertoire that is WORTH having.

Don't think you can do it?

Well, you can.

How is this possible? Why does this work?

Memorized decks typically take a number of forms, and (unsurprisingly) each has some sort of compromise. A deck that requires you to memorize it through brute force takes an awful lot of time to master. A deck formed from a set of rules or a formula typically can't be freely handled or displayed as the cards don't look mixed. Systems that allow the use of memory pegs are also difficult to learn as you often have to learn the peg system as well.In an ideal world, there wouldn't be any compromise -- you'd be able to quickly memorize a deck that could also be freely displayed and handled by a participant. You'd have your cake and eat it too.

This is now possible with The Solution.

The Solution is the deck that Atlas Brookings referenced during his Penguin Live Lecture - a deck that you can memorize in minutes and openly fan and display.

The book - running to 120 pages - not only outlines the system, but also comes with several routines that have been created specifically for someone who wants to perform as a mind reader.

Try it! This should be The Solution for you!


Customer reviews for The Solution



I like this a lot and think that the concept is great and worth learning but I don't think that this is better than any standard memorized deck. if you already know one, I would stick with that but if you don't know one, then this is an awesome one to learn.


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