Undercover Switch - Kostya Kimlat - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Undercover Switch

Magic download (video) by Kostya Kimlat
4.9 | 8 reviews

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Undercover Switch

6.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Kostya Kimlat (6.00)

A one card switch, an add-on, a color change, an alternative to the double lift! The Undercover Switch is a versatile sleight created by Ken Krenzel & Barry Price and heavily refined by Kostya Kimlat. In this tutorial Kostya not only thoroughly explains the mechanics, but provides considerable insight on how the sleight can be used to its fullest potential.

As part of our Community Captions project, the explanation video for this download has optional English subtitles.


Customer reviews for Undercover Switch



This is such a great move to learn with so many applications. Everything is taught really well and he gives you a handful of suggestions to get you started.





This is very deceptive and done at a natural off beat. At it's basics, it turns a single card into a double. It could clean up a trick previously performed while doing another trick. It's even possible to use this to force a card. This move is a dagger with high DPS. (damage per second, not diagonal palm shift).



Absolument incroyable!! Je recommande ce mooe, il est plutôt bien expliquer et c'est relativement simple! Good job



I could be biased because I am a huge fan of Kostya Kimlat but I am loving this. I think I'm going to update my ambitious card routine and can apply it to other effects in my walk around set.



It is a difficult move, but once it is mastered it is a wonderful utility move, which can be incorporated in numerous routines. For the serious card magician, this is truly worth practicing. The downside is that it is difficult to get inte the move without using a prearrangment, however, Mr. Kimlat teaches 2 good teqhniques to get into the move completely impromptu.



A very creative move that substitutes a double lift. It is truly a work of art.



Kostya Kimlat does a very good job of teaching this interesting move. He gives a couple of ways to get into the move, but I wasn't really happy with either way. This is a very cool maneuver that I use once in a while just to adjust mix up the card handling. It can also be used to enhance certain areas of routines that you already do, which he does talk about briefly. Overall, it's a fun thing to practice, and when used sparingly, it's powerful.


Community questions about Undercover Switch

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  • Niv asks: Should I buy it if I already know how to do the venus trap? Does this offer any other advantages?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's a very different move. The biggest benefit is you could perform this move surrounded.
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