Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD

DVD by Fabien Alain Solaz
29.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD

29.95 usd

DVD by Fabien Alain Solaz (29.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.
Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD - magic
Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD Canes MAGIC - The Real Secrets DVD

Talented professional magician, Fabien Solaz will teach you how to become a cane master.

Make them appear, disappear and even make them dance!!!

Every secret of this AMAZING "PACKS SMALL and PLAYS BIG" prop WILL BE revealed to you.

This DVD is recorded live FROM American cruise lines, Paris TV SHOWS and the streets of China. No doubt you will have a lot of fun and find great ideas.

Here is probably the best DVD about cane magic.

Language: English


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