Lorayne Ever! Volume 8 - Harry Lorayne - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Lorayne Ever! Volume 8

DVD by Harry Lorayne
29.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Lorayne Ever! Volume 8

29.95 usd

DVD by Harry Lorayne (29.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

DEAL AND DUCK - With minds like Bill Simon and Harry Lorayne, there's no way you can go wrong. Here's a blockbuster concept that requires no sleight of hand at all.
MANIPULATIVE ACES - Do you want people to talk about your fantastic, incredible, card handling? You do? Just learn this.
TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER - This was one of Harry's favorites out of Close-Up Card Magic, way back in 1962. It still is. See it performed by, and learn it from, the master.

Harry Lorayne Is Probably The Best Teacher of, Entertainer with Close-Up Card Magic Ever! Volumes 8, 9 and 10 on DVD and Video

It's true: When Harry Lorayne teaches on camera, it's almost as if he's sitting with you in your own living room, helping and guiding you. It will be hard for you to decide which you enjoy more - the performances or Harry's explanations. As he teaches a particular routine, he also teaches each sleight, each move, the psychology, the proper attitude to take. Watching Harry Lorayne is watching impromptu close-up magic at its best. Each and every effect, idea, routine in this entire series can be done with a borrowed deck of cards. You'll be thrilled by Harry Lorayne's performing/teaching ability, by his judgment, selectivity, attention to detail. Harry never abandons you during an explanation; whatever he teaches, he teaches thoroughly, walking you through it hand in hand. Be prepared to sit, watch, enjoy.


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  • A.D. asks: I see this item as Volume 8. Is there a Vol 5/6/7? Are these part of his previous Best Ever series? Thanks in advance. I enjoy your customer service.

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