Magic Planet vol. 4: Korea and The Seoul Festival of Magic

Magic Planet vol. 4: Korea and The Seoul Festival of Magic

DVD by Franz Harary
30.00 Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.
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Magic Planet vol. 4: Korea and The Seoul Festival of Magic

30.00 usd

DVD by Franz Harary (30.00)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

Remastered from the Magic Planet TV series
Over 90 Minutes of Footage
Franz Harary Presents Mega-Illusions
Magicians from Around the World
Stage and Close-up Performances


  • Stretcher Illusion
  • Vanishing Feet
  • Levitation
  • Ball of Mirrors
  • Vanish of a 50-Passenger Bus
  • Creation of Harary's Mini-Me
Festival of Magic
  • Center Stage Appearance
  • Cloning a Girl into Two
  • Triple Vanish


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