Sleight of Hand Required - Volume 1 - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Sleight of Hand Required - Volume 1

DVD by Lance DeLong
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Sleight of Hand Required - Volume 1

35.00 usd

DVD by Lance DeLong (35.00)

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Lance DeLong is a professional who's influences stem heavily from the Vernon ideologies taught to him by such excellent teachers as Roger Klause and Bob White. Lance brings a variety of effects to this video series, they are not all knuckle busters, there is something for everyone within these two volumes. The title should stand as a warning that there is nothing within these volumes that is self working, but everything is within the grasp of anyone willing to put forth the effort to learn.

Lance is a member of the F.F.F.F. and there fore these routines have been scrutinized by some of the best thinkers and performers in the magic world.

- Six Pence None the Wiser
- Bannonesque
- Drawn and Quartered
- Mildy Motivated
- 3rd Times the Charm
- World Famous 2 Coin Trick
- Kings in the Korner Pocket


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