Ultra Gum - Richard Sanders - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Ultra Gum

DVD by Richard Sanders
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Ultra Gum

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DVD by Richard Sanders (29.95)

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A amazing piece of WOW from the fertile minds of Spidey, Deven Ye and Richard Sanders!

Ultra Gum:
An impossible transposition between a borrowed bill and a FACTORY SEALED PACKAGE OF GUM!

A corner is slowly torn from a borrowed bill. The corner is rubbed between the fingertips where it very SLOWLY and eerily vanishes! You are clean, No pulls, No TT's, No ditching...IT'S JUST GONE!

The spectator opens a package of gum that has been sitting on the table throughout. (It can even be in the spectator's hands) MIRACULOUSLY, INSIDE ONE OF THE SEE THROUGH PLASTIC BUBBLES OF THE UNOPENED PACKAGE OF GUM, is the corner of a bill!
There are no breaks or tears in the plastic or the foil.
This is a modern day impossibility!

The only way to get at the bill is to break open the foil seal, which the spectator does himself to discover the missing corner from the bill he loaned to you just seconds ago!

This amazing concept allows for transpositions, vanishes, appearances and more!

NOTE: Gimmicks are reusable, nothing to replace!

How to transform an ordinary package of gum into a secret weapon.
How to perform 6 extraordinary routines with borrowed bills and ordinary playing cards.
As with all Sanders Fx products, every nuance of the method, technique and presentations are layed out clearly and concisely on this DVD.
Learning couldn't be easier.


Cash Flow:
A corner torn for a spectator's bill appears, seconds later, sealed in a pack of gum in the spectator's own hands.

Inside: A selected card vanishes from the deck and appears inside a pack of gum in the spectator's hand. The effect is repeated but this time with a torn corner from the selected card. The corner vanishes completely...a few moments later, a piece of gum is impossibly extracted from the unopened gum pack. The spectator opens the gum to find the corner from their selected card trapped inside one of the see through bubbles of the unopened, sealed pack of gum. An impossible ending to a killer effect!

Organic Transpo: A killer in your face transpo handling! Tear a corner from a borrowed bill and put it into your mouth. Slowly begin to chew the corner in your mouth where upon it suddenly transforms into a piece of gum. The spectator open the gum pack to find the corner from their bill impossibly sealed inside the gum pack.

Full On: A practical full bill handling for the effect!

Spidey's Time Travel Routine: Think Neo from "The Matrix" performing a mind bending effect with a piece of gum and a selected card. The spectator is actually convinced that you traveled back in time to perform an impossible torn corner in gum pack effect. An incredible presentation with a devious handling!

The VISUAL Appearance: An amazing piece of EYE CANDY to add to your already impossible effect! A wave of the hand, or a snap of the fingers, etc will cause the bill to VISIBLY APPEAR inside the sealed pack of gum. FIVE killer handlings included.

Live Performances, interview segments with Richard Sanders, Spidey and Deven Ye, tips, psychology, extra handlings and more!

OVER 2.5 hours of magic on DVD PLUS GIMMICKS!
(GImmicks are reusable, nothing to replace!)

  • 6 devastating routines.
  • Gimmicks included. Gimmicks are reusable, nothing to replace.
  • Use any pack of gum.
  • Bills or Cards.
  • Hand out the gum for examinable.
  • PLUS: The Visual Appearance Handling. Wave your empty hand over the gum pack and the bill or card VISIBLY APPEARS inside one of the plastic bubbles.
  • PLUS: Additional ideas, psychology, performance tips and more.
  • PLUS INTERVIEW SEGMENTS with Richard Sanders, Spidey and Deven Ye.

    Customer reviews for Ultra Gum



    This product is very good. It includes a DVD and a gimmick which allows you to perform this trick and make it look very visual. Richard sanders and Deven Ye go into real depth explaining all the nuances and how to perform it (and Spideys trick left me baffled the first time I saw it). The only downside to this trick is that the bubble wrapped gum is necessary to do this. It was very hard to find them at stores but with a quick search on Amazon I found which to use. It’s such an organic trick with killer reactions. Buy it!


    Community questions about Ultra Gum

    Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

    • Gerardo asks: Quick question, can the bill which appears to be inside of the gum be previously signed or not?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The bill can be signed but not the corner that appears inside the gum
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