Under The Bridge - Kiko Pastur - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Under The Bridge

DVD by Kiko Pastur
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Under The Bridge

29.95 usd

DVD by Kiko Pastur (29.95)

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Under the Bridge" is a new DVD of Kiko Pastur. It contains 10 new original card magic routines, using just a regular deck of cards. Explained fully in English and spanish. All performances are done without speaking, using music.

Kiko is for me the essence of poetic sensitivity in magic. And the originality in his effects, routines and magical-poetic-musical shows. Thanks Kiko!Juan Tamariz
When wit, talent, creativity, sensitivity and experience is mixed, we can not expect any other result than that offered by this little genius Kiko. We're in luck!Dani DaOrtiz


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