World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls

By Various
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World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls

20.00 usd

DVD or download by Various ($19.95 or download for $15.00)

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World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls - magic
World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls

You'll find a sponge ball routine in almost every close-up performer's repertoire and in this volume, you'll discover a virtual encyclopedia of sponge ball magic. Routines from thirteen of the best sponge ball workers of all time have been collected in one place for the first time, making this DVD the most comprehensive reference work on performing magic with sponge balls ever produced. You'll learn many unique vanishes, moves and stratagems to build your own routine or to plug into the routine you already do.

Sponge Ball effects

  • Daryl - Sponge Ball Routine
  • Roger Klause - New Sponge & Sleeve
  • Flip - Sponge Ball Climax
  • Frank Garcia - Sponge Ball Routine
  • Frank Balzerak - Gobefores
  • Jon Tremaine - JT Sponge Ball Routine
  • Aldo Colombini - Throw in the Sponge
  • Eugene Burger - Sponge Balls
  • Mark Leverdige - Commercial Sponge Ball Routine
  • Johnny Thompson - Benson's Bowl Routine
  • Steve Dacri - Martian Sponge Ball Routine
  • Albert Goshman - Sponge Balls
  • Michael Finney - Sponge Ball Routine with Watch Steal

You'll see past masters such as Albert Goshman and Frank Garcia. You'll learn great basic routines from Daryl, Mark Leveridge and Steve Darci along with unique twists from Frank Balzerak, Jon Tremaine and Aldo Colombini. And, if you're looking for sensational ways to end your sponge ball routine, there are jaw-dropping endings by Flip, Eugene Burger and Roger Klause. For good measure, there are completely different takes on sponge ball work, such as Johnny Thompson's handling of Roy Benson's classic bowl routine and Michael Finney's routine, suitable even for large audiences. You'll never find more diversified and usable information about one of close-up magic's most ubiquitous effects gathered together in one place than in this amazing collection.

Running Time Approximately 2hr 55min

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Customer reviews for World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls



Yet another absolute must! I downloaded this and straight away go into the best sponge ball routines you can find there's everything on here for sponge balls! I love the goshman routine!
There are many different tips and tricks from many different magicians.



The quality that vanishing Inc has is really great, the world's greatest magic downloads are incredible learning tools, taught by the masters of our art, some of which are no longer worth is. So to have the opportunity to watch them doing what they loved to do is really meaningful. It gives us an opportunity in a way to be mentored by them. As downloads we can always have them with us.



If you think you know sponge ball magic is boring then you are in for a surprise. The Worlds Greatest Magic series of DVD. To learn more about a simple magic prop and how it is used by many of the top names in Magic. This DVD is for all skill levels. Also it gives a glimpse into the mind and histroy of many of these Magicians, some have gone on to that great theater in the sky. I mentor young magicians and this DVD is the first thing I get to them when its comes to learning basic-advance of the Sponge Ball!



This has to be the best purchase I have made in a long time , never knew that sponge balls can be so powerful. Lots of routines a nd more moves you can imagine, excellent



A look at some of the world's greatest magicians performing their sponge ball routines in detail and them explaining how they do them. Some of the videos are dated, quite old fashioned and I don't know how a couple of the magicians would get away with their words and how they treat female volunteers today. The sponge ball magic is, however, still amazing and content can be easily adapted to the 21st century magician. Plenty of informative material to work with and still a maximum 10/10 with 5 stars for the content at the fantastic Vanishing Inc. price.


Community questions about World's Greatest Magic - Sponge Balls

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  • Adrian asks: I’ve never used spongeballs before but want to put it into my walk round set. Is this video suitable for total beginners?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are routines on here for everybody, Advanced and Beginner
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